
I think what you’re getting at is something my first wife used to talk about, which was there’s sort of a human development mystery why human breasts are present, while other mammals only have equivalents while nursing. There was an idea that it was an evolved trait because having breasts also attracted mates. Obvs

No. A thousand times. I know I’m late on this (appendectomies during a hurricane kinda suck) but there’s a very specific context here. During Katrina, helicopter pilots were convinced they had been shot at during rescue missions. If you’ll recall, Katrina victims in New Orleans were “so poor and so black” as Wolf

Trader Joe’s Spanish. Because it’s cheap and tasty.

Trader Joe’s Spanish. Because it’s cheap and tasty.

Meal planning was a big thing for us too. Too much mental energy went into my partner and I discussing, debating and deciding what to eat that week. Now we have 2 meals a week decided for us and it’s stuff we wouldn’t ever choose to make, mainly because I think squash is bleh and don’t buy fish very often. It’s also

I can confirm that Louisiana deserves this rating. It’s both hostile and stupid. There’s a street in Lafayette that leads to an acceleration lane on a highway, but people creep up to the end of the acceleration lane, stop and wait for a gap in traffic to merge from a dead stop. However, if the lane happens to be

MN drivers refuse the zipper merge for this reason.

Amusingly, they all think it’s people from out of state too.

You are a crazy person. Where are pintos? They should be 1 or 2. Kidney is a category. Pintos, large red and cannelinis are kidney beans. There are 2 kinds of red beans, small and large. There are dozens of kinds of white beans and they all suck except for cannellini and large lima (butter) beans.

My friend and I tried horse in Brussels last year. Tasted like beef, incredibly tender, good flavor, lean. Surprisingly good. 4/4 stars, would eat again.

I used to work for Delta and seeing a JFK-LAX nonstop for $180 round trip wasn’t anything special. OTOH, I never saw any other coast-to-coast fares that cheap.

When my oldest was around 2, he tried to plug a micro USB phone charger into the USB port in a 2-month-old laptop. Fried the motherboard. I’d have stopped him if I thought that could do anything.

There’s more to this story, but I can’t find your email.

Revival is incredible. Comity!

That sounds nice, but the half-dozen times I went to Blue Door when I lived in the TC were super hit and miss. The last straw was when I got the special, stuffed with shortrib, reduced port and gouda, and I’m pretty sure everything but the short rib must’ve leaked out on the grill. At some point, I quit, started going

The worm will turn. It always does.

I worked with the moderator, John Snell, years ago. Top-notch newsman and a class act.

That’s my second favorite after “they will taste the black sperm of my vengeance!”

In my smoking/vaping circle, it’s not that any of us thinks vaping is odorless, it’s that the smell doesn’t linger like cigarette smoke does.

I don’t write professionally anymore, but I can totally imagine doing this to myself. Whenever I start reading something here and start enjoying the writing, I scroll back up to see if it’s you, because is usually is.