
Needs moar crooked thumbs.

The best part of this anthem issue is how it’s revealed some of the weird ideas Americans have been sold by various interests about patriotism and national symbols.

Also, there is a lot of “vape shaming” I am reading about. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I just had to use that term). I only do it in private, on my way home from work, but that’s just because I’ve kind of worked my way down from smoking to vaping a lot to occasional vaping. But I always did it in private

...I think you might want to see a podiatrist.

Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

Giants over Patriots to ruin their perfect season.