
Bingo. A lot of people are dismissing this as silly because they think astrology is silly. (And I agree it is a little silly!) But the real heart of the matter is that she collected money for a service she is not providing, and she won't show her fans/clients the respect of at least being honest about that.

IP address are NOT like a normal house address. For the average user, IP address change all the time, usually daily. Even then, there are numerous workarounds for altering/changing/spoofing IP addresses. IP bans are not a panacea to cure unwanted commenter.

I am trying to do new things and would appreciate it if you supported me through this difficult transition period (send cookies). I am learning how to size gifs and so only the blinking should bother you soon.

I have invited data journalist Reuben Fischer-Baum to discuss this spreadsheet and what it may indicate about the sexual prowess of the guy who made it.

"Honey, how do you expect me to get in the mood if you don't even have colored drop-down selections for column B?"

Are we sure about that?

Not all Starfleet captains.

It's too bad that many people who don't want to try the cup don't really understand how it works. You can ABSOLUTELY change your cup in a public bathroom AND YOU DON'T NEED TO GET OUT OF THE STALL.

I've been thinking about buying one for ages...and your comment convinced me, and I bought one! So...thanks internet stranger.

Why is anyone still using tampons when moon/diva cups are so much more environmentally friendly and convenient?

In Soviet Russia, go euthanize yourself, this meme got old decades ago.

I will not have a smart-phone until I am forced to by lack of old-technology being available because I know that I would become a pavlovian nightmare. I used to run to the phone, always and I noticed that it was interrupting my day, my reading, my thoughts, moments with hubby, so I just stopped. I have no answering