
You've got me all tied up in knots…

I live for Weekend at Party Pier.

Am I the only who actually read Fleming's The Spy Who Loved Me after seeing the movie and was like WTF?

He's an original non-writer of his non-own books.

Yea, I just saw that episode (pilot) the other day. Wrong on so many levels…and so many characters never (or very rarely) seen again.

Not disputing that. But it didn't work as a "sequel" If it had just been Ralph and Betty and the town of Denton, I think it would have been more interesting. Why did we have to have Brad and Janet…just didn't work for me.

The music works…the movie doesn't

Just a darned good movie…period.

Not a fart joke….a chili dog joke.

Thank GOD!

me too!

Leroy and Stitch anyone?

I love the book, play and movie (and the musical, but let's not talk about the movie musical). Please don't ruin this for me…please…

Ok, so late to this, but…the first couple of episodes were meh. (Actually I didn't like the first episode at all.) But the last two have shown some promise.

They could never handle a Billion for Boris…another book I loved (and thankfully has not been ruined by being made into a crappy movie)

Read The Long Secret first (or actually had it read to my class in elementary school) and LOVED it. I need to reread this summer just because….

Get your hands on The Long Secret. It's perfect for the summer.

No for that you need MeTv or Antenna TV or Laff

Who wil be the candle on the water?

Just as long as there's no "evil" drinker to interfere with the process.