Couldn't have said it better myself. Spot on! (We probably saw it at the same age)
Couldn't have said it better myself. Spot on! (We probably saw it at the same age)
The Tonys are really the only awards show worth watching. You get to see talented people doing their thing…LIVE! (And I too wish they could manage to squeeze in some scenes from the "non musicals."
Things go better with coca cola. Things go better with coke.
And's it's pretty damned awesome.
What a well written piece. Bravo!
I wanted to like this show/series…I really did. But meh…
You're not
And he's awesome.
Wonder Boys is a great film; RotN is a great comedy
Wasn't it also called Making A Living?
Mr. Belvedere is out there on one of the "oldies" stations. maybe antenna tv/
Wasn't it The Famous Teddy Z? Whatever the name, it was a really good series that never got what it deserved.
Your comment is NOT a number!
But can they at least pick up Late Night With Miss Piggy???
Can't believe you went there. (Can't believe you're old enough to remember)
This is such a perfect little movie…I still want to see Chubby Rain.
Know I'm late to the game (getting up at 4 in the morning means that I DVR a lot and it takes me a while to get to everything). This was probably the best episode and now I want to know more… Not a wonderful series, but there was/is still potential there. Now we'll never know. :(
Coke Freestyle…it's like freebasing only slightly less addictive!
We all have problems when we are that age…(Yes, I loved it too!)