
It's kind of different. With AirPlay you have a device that pushes a stream to a (slave) receiver, with Home Sharing you can see the shared libraries on your LAN and pick a file. Home Sharing was integrated in iTunes 9 a couple years ago, they just added the feature to iOS

I believe BT/USB Tethering was added in iOS v3 20 months ago, but now they also enabled a WiFi hotspot.

The iPhone 3G received its last update ~28 months past its release.

That can be done via javascript, I think there are some libraries that convert a simple "transform:rotate(45deg)" into a compatible one on page load or, better yet, extensions to LESS and SASS do the same thing server-side

It won't be IE-only, at most the new services will be modern browsers-only

You cannot compare this to an AirPort Express, to use this you either need a $200+ iPod touch or a $500+ Mac Mini to say the least. If you buy an AirPort Express (or an Apple TV) that's all you need.

OS X's Preview itself is a good reason to make the switch =D

I agree with the brownie. I want an iPhone 4.

In two words: unjailbroken iPhone

Perhaps try to restore a backup from iTunes. And thanks for warning us

ITT: a bunch of geeks eager to show the world what they're using, even though no one will read their lists.

Nope, how do you explain those ugly colored blocks when watching streaming videos (including TV)?


You upgrade your Windows notebooks too? Or, do you have huge box on your desk?

I understand, but Apple's marketing wants us all not to call them that way, so don't.

Saw this on Engadget (via GReader recommended) and instantly checked all my Google Apps accounts this morning. :|

I would love to believe you, but what about interferences? Why some Ethernet cables can go 10mt and others 100? It's not exactly work / don't work.

Picbox is nice and free: one tap and it syncs your whole camera roll (videos too) with Dropbox, even in the background (until it times out). Only thing is that I can't tell you how reliable it is. I had 180 pictures in my camera roll and only found 160 on my computer after a month of use and frequent syncs, some of

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Why would you need to hide porn anyway? Isn't the Internet and your browser's incognito just for that?