@David Ciani: 100 MB?
@David Ciani: 100 MB?
Oh, Mike! I know that guy!
Yeah Windows' "Open dialog" offers a text box which accepts http uris as well, too bad OSX doesn't. I used to use that before switching
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: True, also don't forget that this app's developer is just an indie with low resources.
@Kaelri: Agree with everything. Also they need to remove the 0. :-S
And, for Safari users, WebKit and Safari should work the same
@Paul Mac Eoin: Easter egg? =D
@jupiterthunder: What you mean NSFW? Isn't surfing Lifehacker already NSFW?
@jbarr: You could consider switching to the plain HTML version or use the iPad version by switching the useragent.
@Baron Von Crogs: Please have a seat over here.
I didn't notice anything... I'm gonna try it tomorrow, when no one who'll consider me gone mental is around.
All the LEDs are the same, same voltage drop (I assume), otherwise putting them in a series would solve the problem, right?
Google needs to hire some SEO "experts" to bring up those results!
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: You're just envious of his huge success. Even though the cake is a lie.
Keep in mind that if you get your work's IP you won't be able to access your computer as the NAT is likely not configured to forward any port.
@scottelsdon: Interesting thought, but the problem comes in when trying to trick Dropbox into thinking you have a determinate file you don't actually have, I'm afraid it will require some low level work. Also, I'm sure Dropbox will make it difficult to have it working for longer than 2 consecutive days =D
Rule: your application has to follow each and every tip given by Lifehacker in the past 4 years. =D
@yiff: Nor it is in Italy =(
I think there's a cheaper/better solution if your car reads USB drives: a WiFi/3G/GPS smartphone (WM6 or Android should work) always connected to a power outlet stuck/hidden in the car. You would be using this smartphone via VNC (or SSH) and put files in some folder shared via WiFi/3G.