@Gix0r: It was kind of strange, strange folder filenames, shared folders, and online sharing: all in the same bug =/
@Gix0r: It was kind of strange, strange folder filenames, shared folders, and online sharing: all in the same bug =/
Sweet! I got featured! =D
@Orisue: Sir, I lol'd.
@JacobK: Even Apple dropped PPC support with Snow Leopard, and I can't think of anyone who's actively improving performance on PPC's at the moment.
@Oroka: what can I say? I live 6000KM too far. At least you can get Netflix...
I do this all the time, I love it. In fact I dislike flash uploaders now.
@deux_ex_machina: Try it?
@Oroka: After all you're on an US blog, that's what happens. =/
@daewoo1534: I'd buy that!
@ticklemeozmo: Same feeling here, this looks more like a links directory to me, + local bookmarks with huge icons. Awesome.
"the call quality is notably better than you'll get with AT&T."
I found myself wanting to remove the geotag from a couple pictures before sharing them, but folder monitoring is excessive. Who doesn't like MORE INFO?
@Etarip: Weren't we talking about stuff that's not supposed to be free like Windows, Office and the CS5? Yes: I was referring to them. =)
@Etarip: "Wait, I tought Limewire was legal" was the answer I was given when illustrating its illegality to a friend.
I just wish Google would add gateways for other networks, I really love having my chatlogs in Gmail and my current gateways are not exactly perfect.
@jpverkamp: I read that and I avoided the update... I'm not sure how long I can stay before I get tired of ignoring the update. I'd rather pay a couple bucks.
My Music app was indeed empty after the update, but all it took was a click on the sync button and after a few seconds it was done – luckily; I don't really want to sync/convert 10GB of music again.
Well done, Apple, now the ugliest icon on my home screen is Voice Memos'
@Dave Bunting: Maybe sometime in the future, once someone develops an on-the-fly converter like Orb. It's definitely not going to work in VLC for the next couple months. Chances are that iTunes is going to be the only AirPlay-compatible software for a few months (until the add it to QuickTime X), even longer on…