
I usually just tear the page away after I'm done reading it, so I always know where I'm at.

@TunaFish: It was extremely slow, though. I waited for a minute for it to load a single message of a 81-messages conversation – before quitting the app.

@FISSURE: 100 to 1 it fails within 1 year.

I assume this is not Facetime.

I tried downloading the Dev version from [] but the .app file's version is always 6.x, and in about:version it still shows "6.0.472.63 (Official Build 59945)"

@Ben Longo: Sir? You've been trolled. We're talking about changing a screen's physical properties via a terminal command? This is year 2010, that's not yet possible.

@Fabrizio Bianchi: I had to use the SQLlite extension for Firefox to edit the history database... it's madness.

@Kanontalk: For those using Macs: "rm -rf *" in the terminal window also works.

@muzicman82: That seems impressive, especially the network version and the ability to query the database via sql =o

@nophilip: I have a $699 solution for you. Guess what that is!

@Apostropartheid: I doubt that's the reason why Google is spending so many hours on this small percentage of users, even considering that most websites don't include that meta tag. So I don't really know what they had in mind with this.

meh, I'm fine with my GVmax + Meebo to get texts and voicemail pushed to my phone, and the official web app. No need to spend $3 for something I can get for free now and for free later from Google.

I wish there was something like this for movies too. I usually like new movies from, say, Adam Sandler and John Travolta, and since there are many others I would like to be updated when one of their movies comes out on disc.

@pierrebuz: I was wondering about the same thing!

@lkdasa: No, I deactivated it and I'm using multiple inboxes: is:starred OR is:unread. Works for me!