
You said "with your phone," so yes, I use my iPhone to browse Internet, but only under wifi coverage, which here is usually just at home or my friends'

@BingleyJoe: Thank for the tip! I had forgotten about that =D

@dajmeister: Totally agree. Right now there's no way to differentiate an hidden window, a minimized one, an open one, and just an application with no windows at all.

@matilde: I don't know about Dropbox but at Syncplicity they can see and edit your files.

Vote: QuickTime X

Vote: Preview

@weendex: yeah, I used to listen my Walkman's radio from my Windows 98 computer's speakers a loong while ago

Vote: Meebo

This app looks great, but it doesn't feet my needs (I'd need it as a launcher), Mobile Shell 3 is almost (perfect) for me.

Where's IE5.5? -_-

@Yvon Boulianne: I love how you said that! It doesn't seem like being told bye a boss. How old are you? If I'm not undiscreete :D

@murph: Yes, I like better. And cuter. :D

Hipster pDa?

Sweet application. I just wished it showed me all the changes before applying them.

GTD: Today I've done... how can I easily keep track of what I do every day?

I guess that works only if you're doodling AND listening to what is being said.

@bachya: Just click on the "Block" tab and add that to the exceptions, it won't show anymore.