
The wonderful Hend Amry sums it up nicely:

You have a troll by the name “Feminist Tears” on your thread. I recommend dismissing his comment rather then replying to him and ungreying him. Just doing my part to keep the comments troll free.

Actually, that’s not true. When an undocumented person is arrested in Houston, for example, they’re charged with a crime and given an INS detainer. Then, they either wait for their trial, they sign to do time in Texas Department of Correction, or the case is dismissed. If the case is dismissed, they head down to a

In line at the grocery this morning, I saw the new issue of People magazine. I audibly “tsked”. The man in line in front of me turned and nodded. His young daughter announced “WE voted for Hillary!” Her dad prodded, “And why?” The child answered “Because she’s smart and nice, and he’s dumb and stupid.” So these two

Thanks a lot. Not to be intentionally or shamelessly self promoting, but if you want to look at more that I’ve made, you can look here. Frankly, this hobby and my two year old and my dear sweet unicorn wife are the only things keeping me sane right now.

It certainly wasn’t written for us. I did a write up on the album and described it as refusing to be appropriated. Putting n- in every line is a very literal interpretation of that. It’s a deliberate artistic choice that’s designed to make you uncomfortable, and it’s also why it’s such an important album.

I’m done showing grace. The next Trump supporter who tells me to show love and heal divisions is getting a straight “Fuck you” from me. They didn’t care about anything other than their own sense of victimhood for their imagined injustices.

This idea that our fellow citizens are innately good people.

Clinton may actually win the popular vote. That means little in end but that will tell you that this is not what a majority of the country wanted. The rural Midwest won this election for Donald. Let’s not let this happen again.

Jez rn

Good kinja

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”

Trolls love it when you respond/react. It’s their reason for living. The best tactic, then, is to NOT give them what they want.

Just to add: everyone has the power to dismiss! Anyone should feel free to dismiss trolls who reply directly to them.

Hi Jezzies! Sorry to post this here on SNS, but it must be done.

But- salad.

Because the family in the movie is mixed-race and also black kids don’t get to often see other black kids as a super-smart hero in a fantasy/action movie? It’d be neat.

This is not a conspiracy, it’s imperfect recordkeeping that has resulted in it appearing that someone deceased has voted; they have no idea whether it was fraud or a clerical error. From YOUR article:

Sadly, most workers in Saudi Arabia are unable to do exactly that. Why the fuck are we allies with them??