
God, that one. I weighed in on that one too. So that's THREE of the same fucking discussions in recent memory. This quote makes them insane.

It's the fucking SECOND time I've had the EXACT SAME DISCUSSION in as many months.

Jesus, this. I had the most ridiculous argument tonight with a fool up in arms over the Atwood quote because it compared, and thus somehow devalued, men’s experiences and fears.


But this is nonsense. You’re presuming men WOULDN’T agree - and Jesus, that's a horrifying thing you're presuming - and you're STILL insisting this quote is about a comparison in fears. It's not. It's about the societal context of fears and how they often interrelate. That is literally what it is about.

That’s unbelievably foolish. The quote in no way makes women’s fears more valid than men’s. It makes them more URGENT. It speaks to a demonstrably true fact that women are murdered by men at a higher rate than the inverse; that IS a valid fear, and IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE AND CONTEXT, it’s a more PRESSING concern than

It’s also not our job to get men on board. It’s men’s job to get men on board.

You initially said your problem with the quote was about generalizations. You’re moving the goalposts.

Do you legitimately not understand the comparison being made in the quote? That:

Kindly don’t tell women to not be occasionally be afraid of men when the vast majority of women on this site alone could give you a story confirming why they're right to occasionally be afraid of men.

You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding the quote. Fear and wariness don’t equate to avoiding; they’re simply what we are often thinking of. It speaks more to the culture and pattern of male violence. It’s in the back of our heads, because of things like this. That’s what the quote is about. The fact that you’re

It’s not a generalization, it’s statistics.

Is everyone reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Black Panther? Because if not, everybody should be reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Black Panther. There's any number of amazing fucking roles she could play from his run. It's current, though, so maybe not.

Powers, man. I discovered him this year and have blitzed through his bibliography.

East of West is KILLING ME.

I saw Chewbacca crying blood.

Excellent. Thank you so much.

Did you ever know that you're my heeeeeeroooooo.

Can someone recommend a good anti-aging moisturizer? Stats: I'm 34, have dry-ish skin, am prone to breakouts and have pores that can be seen from space. THANKS.

An article by a favorite author that should be required reading on the subject.