No punishment is too severe...
No punishment is too severe...
I’m still waiting for the explanation that global weather catastrophes are being caused by Democrats, like everything else...
His answer to everything.
Dontcha know it!
One positive part of this past election and its aftermath: it is crystal clear which shithole states in this country I will never set foot in.
For sure. But during this past few months of Republicans doing the “lalalalalala I can’t hear you” fingers-in-the-ears thing regarding any criticism and their pathetic toeing of the party line, at least one person has finally said “Y’all are some trash human beings — I’m out.”
Yeah it wasn’t the worst corporate kiss-off letter I’ve ever seen, but it was kinda like...
Hold on, I think you’re trying to be too narrow about what a person in each party should be. In a country where you really only have two party choices, you have to hold your nose when considering some of even your own party’s beliefs and actions — Ms. Fukumoto is leaving the party because the smell got so bad that she…
Enough already...her “sell by” date is long past.
How can these idiot Americans think you can have it both ways? “I want my food to be cheap and plentiful but get those illegals out of my country so hard-working, proper citizens can get those jobs back! Oh, it pays what? No thanks...”
Who knew budgets were so complicated?
Can this televised fame hungry people in a mansion/brothel trend just die already? Please?
The funny thing is that both Hollywood and the current administration in Washington seem to want the same thing — scenes with lots of white people and brown people as an afterthought. Seems like they should be getting along better...
Missy Elliott taught me that if, after careful consideration I wanted to work it, I would need to put my thing down, flip it, and reverse it. Sage advice, indeed.
Representative Chaffetz, there is someone here to see you...
The one on top looks like she got accidentally rolled up in a carpet pad. It just rugs me the wrong way.
Every day when I drive to work, I realize that one out of two people I see think it’s OK to be lied to by a low IQ, hypocritical sex monster who spends most of his days being a dick and putting ketchup on his meat. And that’s why I drink...