Pretzel Logistics

You want to see Aunt Becky break? Charge her complicit-ass spawn for their part in this shameful cheating scheme. And Aunt Becky can also write a check to everyone for their USC admissions application money back — fuck this sorry-ass Hallmark “actress” cheater. 

This guy and his president are a couple of morans.

I thoroughly enjoyed “Hotep Cosell”

Adopted this sweet labradoodle...she was the best girl.

This show is America — garish, over-the-top, scream-y, and full of people pretending to be something they are not. The only thing missing is a cache of guns...

He should move to White-oming and run for the mayor of Cheyenne. He could win there...they like hunting, white people, natural gas, white people, oil production, and white people. And stupid people.

SJP is SOL regarding SATC. 

Or another complicit Republican...

Perfect -- Disneyland is my worst nightmare.

I’m off the whole network — fuck them for thinking that anything with an enemy of the U.S. people counts as entertainment.

Willa Ford?

Which tantrum? There are several to choose from....

Hey batter, hey batter, schwing!!

Prosecute the entire family. They all knew what they were doing — ALL of them. And they probably laughed while they were photoshopping the girls’ heads to real athletes’ bodies. Fraud and money laundering are crimes, no matter what age you are. Prosecute them all and see how fast the parents change their pleas...

They are the worst — at least grifters in the old days didn’t target 12-year-olds. And why do these 12-year-olds seem to have more money than me? 

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich stuffed with plain potato chips has been my go-to late night snack since 1974. Prefer krinkle cut chips and raspberry jam these days (vs. greasy Lay’s and concord grape jelly as a kid), but it’s soooooo good, especially with a glass of milk.

Greatest professional athlete in history? I’m not giving that title to a tennis player, man or woman. (and this is coming from someone who plays tennis regularly and loves the sport)

It’s because he’s the Debbie Downer of professional basketball. Never has someone showed so little joy or enthusiasm on a basketball court.

I just re-read a profile of Marv Marinovich -- talk about a monster. LaVar is just a cartoon character in comparison, so maybe Lonzo has a chance...Todd Marinovich sure didn’t. 

Fair enough. But is his off-court crap really ever going to go away? He was the #2 pick in the 2017 draft and his dad continues to be an annoying hype machine. Is he suddenly going to let Lonzo live his own best life? His shooting will have to get waaaaaay better...and I don’t know how that will happen as he goes from