
Negrotown is everything.

What did the camera person say to the cop? “Fuck off pig”? Tell me s/he said that.

What was the response? Honestly, I’m emotional and I can’t stand to listen to the audio right now. I’m pregnant and weepy and sad and resigned.

I was just saying that, they really think it’s the 1940s don’t they? (or the 1980s, really)

My mom had “Men in Love” and I...well, I was forever changed. Once I found it I don’t think she ever saw that book again.

He’s running in the Democratic primary though.

I mean, he is one of those conservative, family values, Uncle Tom types, who granted seems to not be absolutely bonkers, so his whole post had a terribly condescending smugness to it. Like, what if you’re friend IS crazy? Does that mean she’s lying about being raped? “Crazy” people get sexually assaulted too, you

I saw the first (outstanding) comment quoted the use of “ditzy” but didn’t see it in his post — he must have edited it?

if that’s really her writing, she needs to change careers ASAP

by saying she needs to change careers ASAP.

She’s not a writer though, she’s an actress. Also, she is 16. Give her a break.

I think she is reading a lot of bell hooks and the like and taking on those voices as she develops her own. Common for young learners.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend if that is the case, but “following the rape culture rules” just sounds hilarious to me. I am on your side in general.


You’re completely ignoring the point.

Black is black and you can also be not fine with it.

Do you know that you not “allowing your daughter to walk around shirtless but your son can” is actually just following the rape culture rules.

Oh jeez. Didja know there are like, 10,000 courses or something like that at Rutgers?

This chick is going to age better than Angela Bassett and Tina Turner combined.

As I read this, I shoved a BBQ chicken mac and cheese taco right into my fat carb face.