Whatever Jimmy. Dance with the Devil and you’re going to get burned. All these fools who thought Trump was a cute little novelty act and ratings gold should take some responsibility for the Frankenstein they created.
Whatever Jimmy. Dance with the Devil and you’re going to get burned. All these fools who thought Trump was a cute little novelty act and ratings gold should take some responsibility for the Frankenstein they created.
Fuck cancer.
15 years as a cop. It took me 15 years to figure out what Michael says is true. You cannot be a good and honest person and still be a cop because you will be hounded out of the job. You will be left without back up because you cannot be “trusted”. You will be branded a “rat” for trying to do the right thing. I left…
The joke wasn’t even that funny. I think the interesting part is his actual conversation with ICE agents.
Yeah. My Note 8 is incredible hardware. I use exactly 0 of the Samsung apps. I remapped that dumb bixby button to Google assistant and launch the camera.
The ability of the American Right to miss the point of any discussion that makes them look bad is truly truly impressive. Most of the time they’re intentionally missing the point, of course: it’s basically a performance-art version of “im 12 and what is this.” They’ve learned that their voters/followers/sycophants…
Never forget.
Good article, but I have to nitpick about what’s depicted in the lead photo. Those big cylindrical things both on and off the circuit board are capacitors, not batteries.
I’ll post this again, but now for the last time. RIP Carl Poppa.
The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
In the world of getting the right guest booking (and who’da thunk it), Wendy Williams outsmarted everyone today. She had the journalist, Jordi McGraw, who did the 2011 interview with Stormy Daniels, also interviewed two other sources and polygraphed all three (they all passed).
Thanks to both jez and deadspin, esp, for staying on top of this coverage.
Harissa is going to be the Sriracha of 2018.
Are all Trump stooges that gullible or just you?
You. Are. The. Worst.
the meme is spreading, LOL
Good Work, Alabama. You barely did the right thing!
Nah. Trump supporter is the worst name you could call a person.
Never Forget: