
Brett Ratner is a piece of shit of the highest order. Jerking off with a shirmp Cocktail in the other hand...incredible. As bad as this stuff is, its not even the worst stuff he has done.

Because TMZ is some beacon of something that is wrong in this world.

Good. I am sick and tired of left-wing eggheads pushing their biased “save the planet” agenda.

Hmmm it’s like he didn’t know his brother sexually harassed women because he didn’t know that kind of behavior was sexual harassment.

He’s President of the red part only:

So the fuck what? We’re supposed to feel sorry for an asshole because he once wasn’t an asshole, but became an asshole? Fuck that guy.

Also Santa Claus is white and black people deserve to be brutally killed by police and women who are sexually harassed and assaulted are probably asking for it. Gotta leave it at that. We’ll be right back and our next segment will include a prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.

“It’s been one of my lifelong jobs - to make the world laugh at Adolf Hitler,” says Brooks.

I have never heard of teenage girls being sliced and diced by illegal immigrants. What am I missing.

Let’s play White Code Words!!!

I suspect in her world, that period is placed perfectly. “We should not be teaching children.”

No one is more patriotic than the black folks who fight for this country, knowing damn well this country will not fight for them.

Yo, there are millions of people less fortunate than you who don’t have access to swimming pools.

25 cents is too much for an instant transfer?

We’ve gotten to the point where 12 and 13 year olds are watching politics. At least something good came from this administration.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

Terrifying. I watched a crime special about how burglars now use social media to target homes. It’s so easy to figure out which houses will be empty if you happen to know who lives in them. I’m not even referring to celebrity homes - just average, every day people. When my family goes on vacation we don’t post

That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.