
You forgot “unfortunatly.”

I don’t know why you put quotes around concerned parent, as if someone can’t have a child, be concerned, and still enjoy porn. Here I thought this site was sex positive.

Or the only actual intelligent choice, neither.

The number of times I have seen/experienced these people get pissy because they have been asked to have basic social manners blows my mind. One guy literally threatened to fight me because I asked him not to vape DIRECTLY AT MY CHILD.

And? What do you expect? You’re switching one objectively proven stupid thing for another stupid thing with a nice dose of mystery stupid thrown in. These people aren’t going to suddenly grow a second brain cell and do the only smart thing, which would be neither. 

Oh yeah, certainly can’t break up a marriage as rock solid as that. Stormy who now?

Would be a lot more damning if it wasn't cut up and still matched, I'm guessing it wasn't very convincing unless he presented it this way.

I wonder what the venn diagram of the people shitting on the game in the comments and the people that have actually played the game looks like. How powerful of a microscope would you need to see that overlap, if indeed there even is any.

So the entire reason she was there had absolutely nothing to do with why she was there. That certainly an... interesting take.

Dude, come on.

I hope you mean play pokemon go and not rob and murder people.

I don’t have to imagine it, I see them every day and wonder why we didn’t burn the south to the ground when we had the chance.

But of course you want to get rid of a cheaply made bronze garbage statue of some racist that fought to keep slavery suddenly these same assholes want to riot. 

What is it with video games and people naming themselves after tomatos?

“Car crash” is kind of a disservice. She murdered that boy. That alone should be guaranteed jail time. Using diplomatic bullshit to try and get away with it? She’s clearly got no remorse, jail is for rehabilitation, rehabilitation requires remorse, she no longer deserves to be a part of society. Forget the UK, send

Far more professional than a jackass making a burner account to spread racist whataboutisms deserves. If you really stand behind this opinion say it with your real name coward.

Thats a good title but may I suggest an alternative?

Hows it going Mucci? FYI they did it better.

They really are not all that similar... she might be getting evicted so there’s less competition but claiming they “stole” from her is tantamount to her claiming she came up with the idea of rainbow colors, and that is kind of stupid.

That splinter is shut down and this garbage gets to keep going should be a crime.