
This is tantamount to admitting you are wrong.

You don’t deserve to write snacktaku.

You can scroll up and read your comments just as well as I can, if you can’t keep your own lies straight that hardly falls on me. I don’t need to make a case for why an adult doing adult things with concenting adults is okay. That is inherently true. I have not “avoided” that he had (note: HAD, you seem to think he

I don’t need to explain to you what you’ve done, you already know how dishonest you’ve been. All your trump and fox news references ring pretty hollow when your response to actual evidence is “fake news”. I'm not attacking anyone, I am defending one person. Which of us has insulted the other over and over again

Trump needs to hurry up and die like, yesterday. Better yet, November 7th 2016.

Oh you poor thing...

Because facebook and the porn site were running ads there might be something there, I really doubt it, but trying to sue reddit and imgur for user posted content is just ridiculous.

Is that picture photoshopped or has her neck always looked like an erect penis shaft?

Wait this is fox news so I’m confused, are they on her side? I mean they are pro-nazi so if they are calling her one...

Maybe you should use that big brain power of yours and do some deductive reasoning based on the fact they said it’s never drawn a profit.

That bit about their per diam not even being enough to pay for the garbage food I’m sure they serve at that garbage resort is truly disgusting.

I really want to go back and catalogue all the outright lies, half truths, contradictions, and logical fallacies you’ve spewed but there genuinely is not enough time in the day. So you’re entire argument, so you claim, is he could only get nudes for a blog by being famous? Proud of you for not saying “abuse” though,

Thumb? There has been a brick on the side of the scale since day one.

I will say it’s a little shocking a few hands didn’t shoot up at the “disrespected” part, not because they have been but because they act like if you aren’t kissing the ground they walk on you are disrespecting them.

Aother drop in the bucket of proof trump doesn’t have allies, just people he’s currently using and enemies. If Fox can’t even get away with telling the truth it’s no wonder he labels real journalism as the enemy of the people.

Oh shit, that's why he puts his name on everything, so he remembers how to spell it. OH SHIT, THAT'S WHY HE'S SO BUDDY BUDDY WITH PUTIN, THEY SHARE 3 1/2 LETTERS!

Hell he could have had a 2012 cgi style recreation of Dorian turning the entirety of Alabama into a smoking crater complete with John Cusack driving away from danger by the next day but no, he goes with sub kindergarten arts n crafts. 

Nope. You’re point keeps changing, from ridiculously disgustingly huge lies that you very obviously couldn't hold up to subtle but still so very significant ones you think you can because you finally watched the video and are latching on to a few words you think will justify your horrid behavior (it doesn't) And now yo

Elliptical is that you? Did your racist ass finally get banned? Starting off with that, as you would put it, ”Muh socialism” crap awfully quick there.

Action Man was such a weird toy. Just the same dude with slight variations over and over again in fairly realistic military garb until they ran out of ideas and had him start fighting space aliens or some shit.