
Win win if I've ever heard one.

Tell you what Meghan, we’ll keep the reporters that have never shot a gun from reporting on shootings when you get all the lawmakers that have never been shot at to stop making laws that make is easier to shoot people.

You can go ahead and remove “ ‘s Irlend Trip Already” from the title.

I can vividly imagine him griping about having to go to Poland, hearing about Dorian, fist pumping, and yelling “Yes! Now I can go golfing!”

To be fair, what he does is barely golf. It’s a well known secret if you caddy for him you are expected to cheat and people he’s beaten in tournaments in his courses have admitted they let him win so he wouldn’t raise their membership dues.

I assume he's talking about Jack the Ripper. He barely knows what's happening in America, no way he's paying attention to another country.

And lets be real here, Trump is talking about Jack the Ripper.

Can we discuss him calling what he calls golf, which is to say having your caddy cheat for you and threatening to raise the membership dues of anyone that beats you, “exercising”?

He would die and whoever did it would be a goddam hero.

Can he not be bothered to apply a comb to that dry straw on his dome for even a second? Is shit hair just a requirement for rotten leaders?

How can there be evidence in my face if no one will present any? You're just another hypocrite that clearly didn't watch the video.

Not Jared, just not so blinded by hate that I willfully ignore the facts. Try it sometime.

Or I’m defending a victim from his abuser who weaponized cancel culture you are clearly all too happy to be a part of.

Well it's the plural form of penny so I guess he's the spare change we drag around mostly because we forgot it was there.

Dammit. This makes so much sense but I already blew my kickstarter budget on TomSkas Muffin Time game.

Careful, you start making lists with their names on it you might get in trouble. Only 30 something white guys are allowed to make lists and only if it includes Democrats and brown people.

Like churches and schools is just unquestionably vile but... natural disaster areas??? Do these dumb mother fuckers think they are going to shoot down a tornado? I can picture them setting up a hunting blind in the attic of the half of a house that's still standing and muttering about them always returning to the

I assume you mean my post history of defending Jared, whom you want to shit on without the facts. Well, I don’t need to look at your history, the sentence I quoted was already ridiculous enough. My question does relate because their therapist and Heidi herself has confirmed she did that to Jared, so I’ll ask again,

I don’t know. Something about it just doesn’t say “hero."