
I would not be surprised at all if U.S. citizens end up getting arrested and/or deported over this. Enjoy your stay on cold concrete with no blankets or food and the very real possibility of getting raped until you get sent ”back” to a country you’ve never been to and end up dying as a direct result! MURICA.

Who would have thought terrorists wives would be so vain.

I dont think you understand how "Republican" works

So he’s not wrong to people that believe Jesus rode dinosaurs, got it.

Well it was a MAGA rally so... all of them?

You’ve got to keep in mind his hands weigh significantly less than a normal adult human.

Well if he didn’t there wouldn’t be any more dogs!

Do you think he's capable of typing the word zero without doing it in all caps?

Yes, I clealry showed I didn’t watch the video by referencing something I would only know by watching the video. The only thing you’ve proven is how big of a hypocrite you are. This is still cheating. Not because I say so, because common sense and the definitions of words say so.

Don’t bother, this guy is more than willing to ignore reality if it doesn’t support his side of an argument. Frankly I’m shocked he hasn’t mentioned the earth being flat.

Reality does. Try it sometime.

I don’t think you understand how bandwagons work.

Or just ban the cheater, because they are cheating. The fact you think this could happen in any other situations proves how full of shit you are. Nice hypocrotical tempter tantrum, you don’t sound mad at all, did I hit a little too close to home little white knight? How about instead of that dumb shit you said I

That is absolutely not what you said. And it still gives them an advantage, so you can stop knawing that particular nonsense bone. So unless I find this random cheater and get unfairly killed by them I can’t make the logical conclusion you’d lose your loot? That is rediculous. Have you? Your paper bag drops where you

So is this just going to be your every response? Trying and failing to change the definitions of words to technically not apply even though they absolutely do? Ignoring the questions that prove you wrong? If so you can stop now, because this is never not going to be chesting. And no you couldn’t. You changing servers

Isn't that... isn't that an episode of Bob's Burgers?

That sounds less like a wedding crasher and more like a straight up thief? Kind of feels like calling someone a trespasser when they broke in and murdered someone.

I can’t even imagine being this stupid. It’s like trying to imagine what you get if you devide a leprechaun by purple.

“Placed on leave” I assume is code for “cashing a big ass check and moving to Switzerland."