
I have to imagine he’s only still alive because his myriad of STDs have formed a Mr. Burnsian equilibrium in his meth addled body.

Did he give up meth? Looks like he’s put on some weight.

So easy, less tasty mode.

It’s not his channel anymore, twitch is 100% in their right to put whatever they want on there. Obviously this wasnt their intention but that doesn’t matter at all. And this righteous indignation feels hollow when he claims a platform he no longer supports giving him free advertising is “how it should be.”

Yeeeeeah, and him claiming a platform he no longer supports giving him free advertising is “how it should be” says a lot.

He can say whatever he wants, dudes a hypocrite, going so far as straight up doxxing someone for having a racist screen name, then casually dropping the n word. He's probably just mad a woman was on "his" channel, which he is famously against 

Has double xp's art actually gotten worse somehow?

In other news rain leading cause of people outside getting wet.

Ugh, there isn't enough bleach in the world...

For once I hope hell is a real place.

I’m pretty sure it’s the entire country. It’s just only seen as a negative by half.

It's all that chewy overdone steak.

We call that craumiting.

According to some Repuglicans people should be proud of their racism. This sounds an awful lot like Trump trying to normalize being racist. It starts here and ends with “I’m the biggest, the best racist! Make America Segregated Again! MASA! They'll all be saying 'Yes, MASA!' Vote Trump!” And the most pathetic thing is

Yeah but only because the country won’t survive this one.

This is 100% a distraction. Do not let them change the narrative. Trumps rhetoric killed people. Say it every day and loudly.

The kind of RVs that are the province of people who have $200,000 to spare and who want the freedom to see the beauty of America but in the tackiest, most gas-hungry, and sanitized method possible.”

Maybe I’m just old but I actually like the all jokers line. That being said neither one needs to be in charge of anything more complex than a speak n spell.

He is not. I think it’s a combination of genuinely short arms and extremely cheap stiff suit jacket. I guess being a racist homophobic misogynist snake oil salesman doesn’t make money like it used to.

I just wonder how the heck he can straighten someone's spine with that thing.