Ramona doesn’t demonize her Ex’s but she actively tries to ignore them, and the things that she was also responsible for in their relationships.
Ramona doesn’t demonize her Ex’s but she actively tries to ignore them, and the things that she was also responsible for in their relationships.
You probably won’t be living in downtown Tokyo with the starting salary, no... but it’d be interesting yes, to have an actual comparison which takes education, healthcare etc. into equation and see what kind of living you get with Japanese game dev salaries in general. Salaries in the US always seem sky high from my…
A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters
Scott Pilgrim is essentially the comics version of 500 days of Summer. People like it and relate to it for the wrong reasons without understanding the core of the story is that Scott is shitty.
I went through the same emotions as you. Honestly, I spent most of episode 2 waiting for the story to shift back to the one I knew. Once I finally strapped myself in, though, I realized it’s not the ride I wanted, but as you said, its the one I needed. It’s been a crazy year. I had my 1 year wedding anniversary, got…
Any thoughts on why you apparently think it was ok behaviour to post details about her love life all across the internet to start with?
The end of relationship doesn’t mean it’s ok to spread details about your former partner’s love life to the world. At least not for decent people.
Not well!
TIL making upper five figures puts you out of the working class. All of a sudden you’re hob nobbing with the top 1 percent.
Citation needed.
No, it isn’t a single article, it is the entire issue. They look at 30 years of their history, call out “moments” in gaming, and the only people they name? Are men.
Influence does not require recognition. The point of the magazine article is to highlight people who you might not recognize, who influenced gaming. It isn’t supposed to be the most popular names in video games.
I thought years ago Jade Raymond was going to enter into that group, but going to Google and being apart of Stadia probably didn’t help things.
We’re talking relative renown here. If you’re making a list of the most influential people, you’re going to pick the most influential people and in the gaming industry, those people are all men. I already covered Williams in another reply, Kim Swift is known for the first Portal and nothing else, Brenda Romero isn’t…
Except that Roberta essentially invented the genre. She absolutely should have been on PC gamer's list.
I’m not so sure characterizing Japan as “back in the past” is really accurate. I’ve lived in England, the US and Japan, but far and away the worst place for racism I’ve ever seen was England. I mean at least in the Japan and the US fans don’t throw bananas at black athletes.
I did say “ Women’s rights issues, racism and homophobia,”—but yes, totally agree.
Roberta Williams (already been discussed), helped build a gaming company from the ground up.
Glad to see this coming about. Now, I”m saying this as a first generation Japanese-American immigrant, who came to America as a young age but goes to Japan for work fairly regularly.
I’ve worked with so many amazing women, it’s mind-boggling that they’re rarely highlighted apart from maybe at some diversity award.