I always find it funny that a country where everyone can run around packing heat, they’re afraid of people packing virtual vaginas.
I always find it funny that a country where everyone can run around packing heat, they’re afraid of people packing virtual vaginas.
I have no idea how good or bad this movie is on its own merits because the reviewer was so occupied with playing some personal game. I’ve seen the Star Wars trilogy once and countless other movies. I've got a pretty good grasp on the Marvel "universe." Is this movie entertaining if you're not playing "spot the…
there’s this traditional Jewish instrument called “shofar” that’s a very important piece of many of their traditional religious and cultural practices. Plenty of shofars went off when the Nazis surrendered, for example, which makes this “goblin artifact” (and its description) pretty yikes.
Shhh! Don’t upset the infantile adults with a mature reading of the text. Let them live in their fantasy world, devoid of any social-political context. Media only exists as a surface-level distraction.
These same people are the last ones to picket outside of Universal Studios, the Lego facilities, toy manufacturers/retailers that handle the “Wizarding World” IP and things of that nature
I’m trying so hard not to judge people for playing this shitty wizard game, but the more I hear about it, the worse it sounds. Setting aside JKR’s awful dehumanization of trans people like me (which really can’t be set aside, but I’m doing it for the sake of argument), it’s a buggy mess with like 2 enemies, heaps of…
Sure, you could make the connection that buying the Harry Potter game directly lines She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s pockets, but as we know, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
100% serious. The Holocaust didn’t start with the showers and ovens, it started with lists of people to round up (the Texas AG is doing this now), legislation making Jews non-citizens (Trump proposed something close to this for trans people in a speech recently), and rounding up transgender literature to burn it (look…
It’s not as bad as the death threats and stuff but it is really exhausting all on its own.
That’s not even touching on the loud mouthed assholes that won’t shut up about it because they know it bugs some trans folks to hear about it all fucking day every fucking day.
It’s really depressing that so many people have literally killed themselves for that.
It’s so bad that there’s worry from the conservatives that “red” counties have had high enough death rates that it’ll affect their elections.
Granted one of the reasons we avoid several places in town, including my neighbors, is that they’ve pointed guns at us and made several threats on our lives just for existing.
That’s fun.
Every time I see a damned Chick-fil-A bag.
Also, there are several places like that here in town, and we make a big point of avoiding them like the plague. The whole town is still run by the same handful of families that ran the KKK here for a hundred years (and they still have the mayor’s office, the entire police…
I’ve donated a not-insignificant amount of my time and money to progressive candidates but im going to enjoy creative mediums and I separate art from artist.
Folks that don’t think the transphobia is reaching “getting round up to be killed” levels haven’t been to Texas or Florida lately.
The folks in charge here are trying to get lists of trans people in their states and are super fucking chummy with pastors that have been calling for us to be lined up and shot in the head.
I think there’s a clear enough difference between being unable to avoid unethical consumption and being able to avoid it but doing it anyway. The scope of megacorporations makes it difficult to even see all the connections, let alone avoid them; likewise for the state of global manufacturing.
“Not buying the game is easy. Giving money to a good cause is hard.”
For those who wish to play the game without enriching Rowling: buy a physical used copy from a non-professional reseller (or an independent game store who deserves your money). EA/Rowling see not dime one from such a purchase. Even better, if your local library has games to borrow, borrow the game from there. In both…
I’m for it. The less I have to hear about “a boycott isn’t actually hurting her” or “you’re actually a hypocrite” level brain-rot, the better. Fuck the transphobes; let them talk only about gameplay and see how pissy they get when they can’t preen about what shitbags they are.