It also gives them metrics they can use to prove the game is popular, which outweighs the maintenance costs by far.
It also gives them metrics they can use to prove the game is popular, which outweighs the maintenance costs by far.
Biologically speaking, NOTHING has a purpose, AT ALL.
Everyone. Delete your gd battlenet already. Are you sick of these articles? Feeding them more money and playing their old, tired ass IPs allows them to continue their stupid shit.
Situations like this are always fascinating.
The flu was endemic long before the H1N1 outbreak in 1917 that killed 5% of the worlds population. Antimaskers fought for the right to kill others with germs back then, too, which definitely increased the death count.
I live in San Diego which is a very purple city politically. There’s pretty equal numbers of lefties and righties in public, usually with no issues. But we have our outliers. I stopped wearing my mask when it was deemed “not necessary” by state health officials. I did eventually get COVID after an international trip.…
You’re jumping the gun. COVID will eventually become endemic, but we haven’t reached that point yet. New infection rates are still too high to risk removing all counter-measures and letting the virus carve its way though though the country and infect everyone who doesn’t currently have any immunity.
It’s weird that you mention California - I’ve run into an oddly high number of ex-Californians who are rabidly anti-mask, to the point of yelling at masked strangers in grocery stores, shouting crap like “STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE IN FEAR, YOU COWARDS!” and trying to rip the masks off.
But it also looks REAL good on a resume, though. “Hi, I’m the guy who made major gaming news by creating entirely custom tools beyond current capabilities and almost indistinguishable from the actual game’s tech.”
Pretty enjoyable mystery, and mod tools for a beloved game is a pretty exciting outcome. Shame they’re catching hate because they wanted to generate a bit of mystery around something they’ve clearly been working very hard on. This level of modding was previously impossible, prior to the breakthrough that led to them…
I know its a low hanging fruit to assume a lot of these streamers aren’t very smart but a “deformation of character” suit? :)
Yeah, no problem. What I’ve seen of the X3, it seems more active for sure. I’ll get my copy at some point here. I snagged a SE, but Nintendo hasn’t shipped em yet. Gonna suck to wait another week.
each game has its gimmick. not all gameplay styles are for everyone, its fine to bounce off. i like them, but have bounced off well regarded games too. gaming’s a big tent.
The New3DS version of Xenoblade 1 is the worst possible version of it. Impressive they got it to work on such a handheld, but Definitive Edition on the Switch is definitely the better experience.
The combat systems in each XC game are vastly different to one another- the closest to XC1 is actually Xenoblade Chronicles…
The fighting system is different in every Xenoblade. Even the Xenoblade 2 DLC has a different fighting system than the Xenoblade 2 main game. I think Nintendo released videos on their youtube channel explaining the combat in this one, you may want to check if it seems to be more to your liking or not.
I’ve been coming to Kotaku for years now and I thought it was just common knowledge that they don’t release reviews as soon as they everyone else. I come to expect a full length review for a game about a week after release. (Akin to Easy Allies on YouTube)
No, you’d still have us be discussing this because your concern trolling is simply there to make it seem like she’s somehow to blame for this. You don’t give a crap about the actual harassment, you just want to somehow make it seem justified.
This is actually the reason why “zero tolerance” policies are foolish and accomplish nothing other than providing an easy out for dealing with actual issues. It’s also unhelpful that the policies have historically been poorly and unevenly enforced.
No, you’re being a liar. I am saying that talking about the abuse you receive is nowhere near the same as those who are hurtling that abuse, and there is no justification whatsoever for banning someone for talking about abuse they have received.