
Kinda hoping that some of the exclusive costumes are Nintendo-themed. Would love to finish this deep, emotionally tormenting story wearing a gaudy Mario and/or Luigi outfit. Bonus points if they include masks like the kitsune outfit up there.

Do you ever ask yourself why you work for a feminist website, but write almost exclusively about women’s lowest, messiest or most base behavior?

Have you never heard of Zines before?

They’ve existed forever. People regularly put these together, especially people who ship characters.

Star Trek fans made these things in the 80s etc. 

She also has a womb, but it didn’t stop her from telling others what they couldn’t or couldn’t do with their own wombs, did it?

Because Democrats make them feel bad for being white.

Won’t be long until condoms, birth control, and gay marriage are also facing the same fate.  And corporate America will still do nothing except speak up after they’re gone.

I keep seeing “might as well kill your rapist if an abortion is gonna put you in jail,” which is true, but “might as well kill a Supreme Court justice appointed by a president who lost the popular vote if an abortion is gonna put you in jail” applies as well.

While always good. I hope that means money and action.

Loving may get thrown in there as well. As another commenter notes, he doesn’t think the leopards will eat his face.

“I’m not racist, I have a few black friends.”

And she’s married to a white man. Just because she adopted two Black children doesn't mean she's incapable of racism. 

It is ludicrous that he could believe he can somehow get his fellow conservative justices to back him on overturning same-sex marriage and birth control, but not interracial marriage. I mean, has he MET Amy Barrett? That white conservative christian woman is exactly the type of person to decide that Loving v Virginia

To me it’s not one, like, big thing, but a thousand little things, most of which don’t look too bad on their own, but come together to kill his whole vibe.

You know who would have been perfect for the voice of Mario?

It’s absurdly stupid to me that the GOP (Guns over People) is busy creating a country where people think it’s hell to live in - rolling back voting, rights, taxing the poor, ruining the environment, etc.

It’s because they want us dead and they’ll use any excuse to attack us and take back our hard won rights. The “other is coming for your children” accusation is the oldest one in the book and it’s also the most dangerous. At first I thought this was a retread of the early 2000s panic about gay marriage manufactured to

It is absolutely infuriating.  Any discussion about this issue on Twitter just gets flooded with Depp stans and their pirate flags, repeating the same thing over and over again, because heaven forbid anyone discusses any issue surrounding this case, even it isn’t about the case itself - proving without any doubt that

If you can’t see the blatant bias of a judge letting the jury fall asleep during testimony, allowing the plaintiff to harass witnesses and the defendant in the courtroom (Johnny’s team had to step in), and not sequestering the jury while also allowing cameras in the courtroom, and then not allowing evidence that was

There are a lot of people calling her out for possible ethics violations... but too many are bashing Amber Heard and it's infuriating.