I’d seen other sites talking about it being a separate purchase on PS4, but you’re right--I took a look at the official Intergrade site and it specifies that Yuffie is PS5-exclusive. :/
I’d seen other sites talking about it being a separate purchase on PS4, but you’re right--I took a look at the official Intergrade site and it specifies that Yuffie is PS5-exclusive. :/
That’s awesome! Sharing the fun with your friends is great :)
It looks like Ever Crisis is basically a complete remake of the entire original Compilation (well, the games), including Before Crisis, Crisis Core, FFVII, and Dirge of Cerberus. We’ll have to see how it’s handled--idk if it’s going to be highlights or a full-on remake for mobile--but it looks like this might be…
bahahaha if you can afford it, you’re quite lucky! Why have you bought it 3 times? Different special editions?
I’m sad about it, too. Hopefully it’s weird phrasing--my ideal would be that anyone who upgrades to PS5 gets the Yuffie episode free, where if you have to stay on PS4, you can buy it as DLC. Who knows, though. :/
Looks like the PS4 —> PS5 upgrade is free, and your save data transfers. Yuffie’s episode is only on PS5, even though Square had said they weren’t doing next-gen-only stuff for Remake yet.
I love the look of them, but man, I wish they hadn’t made a sound effect happen for every single menu transition. The original game’s transition sounds were fine since they were so short, but there’s something about having them be character noises that I find a little grating :/
Holy shit, these are great. I hope someone does make a big ol’ remix out of them, I’d love it!
Welcome to the game, Ash! I hope you continue to like it. imo, the story--especially in Shadowbringers--rivals some of the mainline FF games!
I have been waiting for this for literally almost three decades now and I am SO EXCITED.
I largely agree, but I personally haven’t had trouble with the adventure ranks. I’m AR49 currently, and the majority of that has just come from doing the daily commissions and some exploring here and there, alongside the side quests I find. From what I understand, once you’re around level 80 (which is at AR45 I…
this entire piece reads like it’s written by a Book Person that desperately wants to prove they’re Not Like Other Book People
I wish I could have gotten in on this, tbh. I’d love to be able to pay off my student debt and help take care of family.
Nobody said you can “definitely” conclude that she’s Japanese. But, as a general rule, you can easily infer it, and it’s the simplest explanation, which tends to be the true one. You assume things from names all the time: most people don’t read “John Smith” on a resume and expect to see a Korean woman or a Mexican…
And others might just be perceived to be more abrasive despite acting perfectly normal. Black women are perceived as more aggressive than others, and they’re faced with the expectation of them as domestic workers. Femininity is seen as weakness whether in women or men, which can result in well-suited candidates being…
I’m pretty sure they only show one transport leaving that could have held Chewbacca, too. Either that or Rey full-on saw which transport he got into, something basically contradicted right before it happens.
I didn’t hate TROS (it was a mess, but at least it was an entertaining watch, and given the circumstances, I understand why parts of it were done), but Babu Frik was undoubtably the best part.
i beg you please do not force yourself through the Pitioss dungeon oh my goodness
The DLC chapters are at least out in novel form in English! I can’t post an Amazon link because the system seems to think I’m trying to spam, but it’s called Dawn of the Future.
imo the movie is pretty, but ultimately inconsequential. The way they’ve updated XV makes a few more references to it (the original and the updated have a character model appear at one point in the game’s final few chapters without actually making any reference to it; one character appears in the Comrades expansion…