
Ehhhh I think there’s a balance between “pro-consumer” and “anti-consumer” when it comes to things like this. It’s not like putting a new version of a game out is just a click of a button; it takes time and effort for the devs to get the games out. Even with engines that can compile code for multiple consoles, the

I’m guessing it’s partially the idea that you already own the game, so it seems like it would be a waste of money (especially in the current economy) to buy it again for fancier graphics or different performance. I understand that to a degree, but it also doesn’t take into account the work that it takes for the devs

It all depends on the money you have access to, imo. I built a PC that can run games pretty dang well for right around $500-600 last year, but the issue I have is that a lot of my friends play on consoles; for instance, I’m supposed to play Fall Guys tonight with a group from high school, but they all play on PS4, so

It was available in P3p! If they combined the two, it’ll probably be included.

That’s correct. This version is the final release version they put out in Japan containing Raidou, and Dante is DLC.

Yeah! I was making it weaker at first and doing a ratio of half-water/half-concentrate, but I’ve changed it. When I first started dabbling with the ratios, I was doing 5oz beans to 64oz water for concentrate (to mix 1 concentrate with 3 water), but I’ve since upped that to 6oz beans to 64oz water.

I’ve been trying to re-jigger my cold brew ratios to see what works best for me between the amount I drink and the strength, but man, some of these recipes use SO MUCH coffee grinds for such a small yield. I’m at 6oz beans to ~64oz water, but so many of the recipes I see want 12oz beans for 64oz water. Oof.

Just chiming in to say that it’s refreshing seeing someone have a take like this. Kotaku’s comments are usually a bit better than other sites’, but it’s still pretty rare to see “that’s cool too, this is just what I prefer.” 

Same here. My boyfriend at the time was smart enough to tell me not to put my phone number down, so I didn’t get calls hounding me to enlist, but I definitely got mail about it. Ugh.

I hope that this comment isn’t straying out of my lane. You’re completely right that Black people aren’t afforded the luxury of being seen as individuals; I’m not Black (I’m Latinx, to be clear), I’m not here to debate that, and I agree with it. Hell, I agree with the majority of the original post and the response,

I agree for the most part, but there’s still a lot of work for them to do. They might have NPC models plus the current main cast, but they still have to make models and entire gameplay systems for Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, and Cait Sith (plus any modification they might do to Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, and Barret, as well as

I mean, KH3 wasn’t even announced officially until 2013. Nomura had mentioned before that it was being worked on, but from what I can glean, that was more planning and brainstorming than actual development since he had other things to work on. Since KH3 released in early 2019, that makes rouuuughly 5.5 years, which

Hell, we don’t even know how much development really needed to restart. All we have are rumors from someone who was debunked; the only official information is that Square took development in-house after a certain point. Having a user-friendly game engine (that makes it supposedly easy to move from UE4 to UE5, too!),

Square definitely mismanages development timelines, or at least they used to. Kingdom Hearts III was announced June 2013 and released January 2019, which is definitely on the longer side for AAA games, although there was that total engine switch that ate up a year of that. 3-5 years seems pretty standard for big

To be fair, though, Final Fantasy XIII-2 came out 2 years after XIII did, and Lightning Returns came out 2 years after XIII-2. Since those all used the same engine, it’s a similar situation to the VII Remake, though there’s a bit more work to be done considering there are more environments and gameplay systems for

Even further back, too. Nocturne and some of the spinoffs were on Playstation, but the first two SMT games were on Nintendo systems too!

Here, have a study!

This is helpful! It’s not been discussed much; there’s been stuff on and off about making sure masks aren’t wet, but humidity as a vector for that hasn’t been. Thanks!

I haven’t had the chance to play TLOU2 yet, so I can’t speak for the game itself, but I disagree as a whole (depending on the format of the Let’s Play). Some people simply are bad at video games or have issues where it makes it hard to finish them (whether it’s a disability or lack of money to get the games or what),