Worse, I doubt this contract holds up in court (gross negligence, bad faith contract). A reasonable person would expect to the company to not illegally use their vehicle and to cover damages from illegal action.
Worse, I doubt this contract holds up in court (gross negligence, bad faith contract). A reasonable person would expect to the company to not illegally use their vehicle and to cover damages from illegal action.
yep, sounds ‘off’ to me. the guy sent his s4 to a performance shop for ‘upgrades’, of which there are few trustworthy shops anymore. he’s obviously an enthusiast of some degree, which means he knows other enthusiasts.
John Hennessey has been ripping people off for decades. There will always be too many idiots with money.
I’m guessing they didn’t expect the customer to call the local news station? They’re idiots.
I can’t think of a comparable example of a big political get-together that doesn’t involve a murderer’s row of conservatives. They’ve got kooks, conspiracy theorists, fascists, crypto-fascists, neo-fascists, Rear Admirals, queer Admirals, etc. and it’s treated as a normal thing that Republicans do. Trump spoke at a…
Laura, the girl who lost her friends when she came out as “conservative”, shows how the internet has really been instrumental in radicalizing people and bringing horrible people together.
When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But…
But sitting on Santa’s lap is still a-ok.
Pretty sure they allow people from outside the city limits into the stadium as well.
A Facebook “friend” of mine just posted a picture of himself with an American flag in the style of his favorite team (which sucks). He’s also a huge “respect the flag” guy. So I asked him about it, and of course he had a very reasonable response. Oh wait, he just called me a libtard and deleted me.
It was never about the anthem. People are just racist assholes.
Yes, those players knelt in prayer, and yes they were praying for unity and justice for all, but most of them are black, so it’s important to Trump supporters to boo them. Because they’re black.
Odessa was the Tsarist Empire’s equivalent of New York City in how much of a melting pot it was; that ancestor was ethnically German. And Odessa’s in the Ukraine now, since Putin hasn’t gotten his hands on it yet. So that’s 3 countries that would try to pass her around to each other like a hot potato on the basis of…
The 1/16 of her that isn’t a Real Doll is the part that won’t shut the fuck up.
if the Russians want Tomi Lahren back, they can absolutely have her.
Her great great grandfather was Russian? So, we have evidence that Tammy is at least 1/16th human? I’ll be damned...