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    I can't take Guy Pearce seriously as I've seen him in ridiculous Australian tv things. Also, he was in Priscilla and so whenever I see him try to be evil/serious/wicked etc I just remember him in drag & giggle like a fool.

    I usually dump all my coins out of my wallet at the end of each day into a tupperware container because I hate coins, haaaate pennies - Australia did away with 1c & 2c when I was wee & they irritate the bejabbers out of me now.

    I can't possibly be the only one who, while I admire his talent enormously, feels the need to take a shower each time I watch him on screen. Maybe it's all the creepy roles he's played but there's something about him that makes me feel really skeeved out, whether it's after watching him in character or in interviews.

    I've been sharing a Prime membership with my bestie for nearly a year. We live at different addresses but that never mattered. You can put any shipping address in your account. She is the prime Prime member because she has a Roku & uses the video streaming - only the account holder can do so. I pay for cable (like a

    I have Anger Disorder. It is triggered by my minions not doing the jobs they are paid to and me with the inability to fire them thanks to the NYC work laws. Luckily, I have an office and I go in there and slow my heart rate to the wrath of Mozart's Requiem, then I'm happy again.

    I kinda want this for myself, despite not really going to the beach. NYC is a bit sad beachwise, and I refuse to trek out with the masses on the weekend.

    Oh, interesting. I don't read the comic and iirc from interviews, the second movie is supposed to start almost immediately after the first. Are the comics considered canon for JJ?

    I've always been firmly in the Gary Mitchell camp. I think it's a character he'd be interested in playing - he tends to take roles that are quirky/unusual/odd/non-mainstream (yes, even Sherlock). Gary could have such potential for expansion in the AU, and he would absolutely nail it.

    If I could be guaranteed a solid 8 hour sleep session then I'd put on my jammies and fly away to the Land of Nod. Presidents and Clooneys can take a hike.

    I hate all sports (no, really, HATE!) but my bestie is a hardcore Phillies fan and last season had a bunch of tickets which she convinced me to use with her. I did so because she is my bestie and I heart her.

    Wow, I was all lalala, yeah the Sun is big, everything is tiny, it's all awesome, space is big, and then it JUST KEPT GOING. *boggled*

    I consider myself to be excellent at observing and filing away and 'forgetting' things which I deem currently unimportant. However, I'm fairly good at recalling if needs be, and I frequently have senses of deja vu simply because what I am currently experiencing is similar to something I filed away previously. I have

    My monitor is fine. I've viewed in on my work and hmoe computer and also on my ipad. Perhaps you can tell me where to look?

    Can someone MS Paint a circle around it because I can't for the life of me find it on either hi or low res version.

    Yeah, my birthday will be a Saturday! Which is the day of the week I was born on. Woohoo!

    If Professor Harold Hill had stuck around and started himself a marching band there would be none of this crime. The dandelions would be pulled, the screen door patched, the beefsteak pounded. The water would be pumped and that cistern would be full on a Saturday night.

    Maths is excruciatingly beautiful. I'm nowhere near as clever as anyone who even attempts to work with numbers but I understand enough that I can appreciate how simply perfect they are.

    Oooh, yes! But there are many canon novels of the MU and so they'd have to work with that history too. But I can see it working out okay! Although most of 'our' actors couldn't reprise their role since most of them were, you know, murdered, along the way.

    I don't want a DS9 movie. It was by far and away the greatest Trek series for me. Sure it had laughable eps and some that made my insides want to leap up and throttle my brain to stop the pain, but it was so perfectly encapsulated in a beautiful bundle of storytelling.

    For a long time I thought the problems (difficulty focusing, blurriness, twitching etc) had to do with my head issues, but after my eyes turned bright red and I couldn't stop rubbing the hell out of them (coupled with continuous eye bathing for minor relief), I finally went to the doctor. I honestly thought I'd just