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    I've been told (by quite a number of men over the years) my richly mellow Australian/British/Canadian/American accent would be excellent for phone porn. Apparently men prefer smoky tones with their faceless fantasies.

    Watching the ep I was on the border of being suspicious of Taylor's claims and emotional hysterics but I wasn't sure if it was just my cynicism. Reading most everyone else's comments here makes me think that I was somewhat right to be suspicious.

    "...it was eventually decided to cut through the whole tangled problem and breed an animal that actually wanted to be eaten and was capable of saying so clearly and distinctly."

    I love it! Very cute video (very Brady Bunch-y) and I learned about 20 new styles. But the popup comment asking me to favourite it for a sequel? Nope, you've just lost me. I don't understand why people need to do that.

    No matter how the editors try to clip it all together, I'm still TeamNene. Out of everyone on that show (past and present) she seems the most normal to me. In that she is who she is, does whatever she wants (lies or truths, no matter) and haters to the left.

    It took me a long time to figure it out and it was purely from her voice! She said a line that Kira once said (can't remember what, sorry) and I screeched with recognition.

    I felt it was incredibly weak for a third ep and I was bummed the Queen Bee died. You don't cast Nana Visitor and then kill her off almost immediately! Not cool. I'm gonna watch me some DS9 later to feel better.

    I watched the majority of these movies as a child and, honestly, none of them did me any harm at all. I actually thought what Jareth did for Sarah was wonderfully romantic and she was really, truly ungrateful! I wanted to be swimming in a chocolate river and go to where all the good chocolate went!

    I thought this was going to be about the odds of fertilisation and was just going to point everyone to NatGeo's amazing 'Sizing Up Sperm' documentary ([video.nationalgeographic.com]) wherein the journey of sperm from man to woman is acted out by a lot of people dressed in white. Scientifically fascinating with

    So advocating safe sex isn't a big deal for the show, although sex for the first time is? I feel like that is backwards, or at least shouldn't be separate, but thanks very much for explaining :)

    Didn't the 'responsible sex' ship pass by when Quinn got knocked up? Wouldn't that have been about the right time to talk about this? I'm not sure why 3 seasons later they are only now thinking it's groundbreaking to be talking about responsiblity - I guess I get it with the gay couple but definitely not the hetero.

    I can't see where it's supposed to be suspended? I'm guessing it's around the 35 second mark with the engine rev, but the shaky camera combined with the rain on the lens confuses me. I watch A LOT of plane videos and this one didn't look anything special to me. Help?

    Yay! Dan Brown can write a new summer blockbuster novel now! Which will then be made into a movie with Tom Hanks filling the Marty-Stu role!

    I need to work the phrase "lady reviver" into my daily repertoire of snark.

    My roommate and I decided that Nick was a poor woman's Brandon Routh but we appreciate the pretty enough to overlook the even more wooden acting. We're going to stick with the show for the time being because there's not much better on a Friday night.

    I played this game up and down, backwards, sideways, everyways when I was young. And I did not know she was Hispanic. Was there anything in the game that pointed to that? I thought she was a super-thief of awesomeness so I guess I just didn't pay attention to ethnicities?

    Doc Brown was the one who taught me about time travel so very long ago.

    I prefer to sleep alone because then I'm truly ALONE! Bedtime is the greatest time of my day (even though I have terrible insomnia due to DSPS) because I don't have to think about anyone else or have anyone bothering me. It's all about ME!

    Such a shame Harry didn't get it. Although, honestly, I had no issue with Harry until Daniel Radcliffe's acting ruined him for me.

    I am forever exclaiming "No ____ and no ____ make Bex something something" with the blanks being whatever I am desperately needing at that moment.