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    Yes! I still get all shivery when they see the first dinos and then poor Alan gets so overwhelmed he has to sit down and cry. It's wonderful!

    I absolutely adore Jurassic Park and if I find it while channel flipping, I usually watch it. I can quote it very well and it never gets old for me.

    Thank you! I really wasn't certain if it was an insult or something cool like a BAMF-y style compliment.

    Thanks! I don't really go on Tumblr unless it's for pics of cats doing weird things.

    Curious how you can get away with the title of this piece because you probably couldn't title it that way with Jew/Muslim/Scientologist substituted. (Catholic possibly could get away with it) But definitely not with a particular skin colour/ethnic race either. Or am I misunderstanding the intent of the title?

    It's not about the speed of the camera, it's about the motion of the ocean.

    As we all know, the people who most loudly proclaim they are not hipster and think hipsters are terrible are, in fact, the most hipster of all. So that girl with the big lips IS A HIPSTER.

    Trying to understand the temporal issues hurt my brain and I spent most of the episode mocking the script and not thinking. Grimm was oddly better - still pretty crappy but at least it's proper evil and nasty.

    I live in NYC and I'm Australian. So... I don't know if it would pass for recreation either locally or genetically, but I was just interested in something like this only to see if it really worked - I wouldn't use it for fun. I don't do drugs, have never tried them, or alcohol or smoking either. I get high on

    I suspect you're right about my pathetic laptop speakers not being able to get down and dirty frequencies.

    I'm intrigued by infrasound because of the vibratory feelings you say it invokes. I'm a huge fan of lower sound (I hear higher frequencies than most people but on the flip side I tend to feel lower ones that others can hear and I cannot) and want to experiment with it. Googling doesn't find me anything useful to

    It seems I can't reply to tonym94's comment because it's too short but it makes me desperately eager to get home and watch it. It's either so bad that it's cracky or so good that it's mind-bogglingly confusing. Either way, I'm excited!

    I fully expect to get jumped on for my comment, and told I should be a 'better' woman, because:

    Yes! I needed the song to go somewhere and it just meadered like a lost tourist in NYC. I would have shoved it aside if I could have.

    I don't have a nervous disposition, I have a logical, orderly, strucured one and the song made no sense on a base level to me. But I can see where you would worry too - if you're not expecting something and have no way to predict even the boundaries, then of course it's going to stress you out.

    I don't analyze Mozart though. At least not consciously. I was listening to it from birth and perhaps I'm just so used to his style that I don't think about the mathematics. Good classical music is good mathematics for sure, but I never listen to him and think about the structure because it just makes sense to me.

    I use DS9 as a way to measure Treklove in people. And that ep is the yardstick. If someone says they like DS9 but don't rave and flail and generally lose their mind over the brilliance of Pale Moonlight then I don't believe they even get the point of the entire series.

    I listened to it and I felt myself getting stressed because I COULDN'T predict the repetition/rhythm. And the back beat bits made my heart pound and not in a good way. Am I doing it wrong?

    Yep, Little Green Men is epic and perfect as a standalone simply because it fits so perfectly with 'real life'. But it doesn't represent DS9 the best. I'm hardpressed to think of an ep that does, because the show was so interwoven.

    I think her voice of reason comes from the fact she's British. In general, I've found British people to be ridiculously normal and sensible when push comes to shove. Adrienne is awesome because she clearly knows to make a happy marriage you have to have your own life and only see your husband occasionally. I want to