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    I played the Lady and the Tramp dinner scene in my head, replacing the pasta with the giant eclair. Only I wouldn't break away shyly when our mouths met - I would make out with him all over his face.

    As I said to a friend, I would choose the man who gave me a giant R-shaped eclair instead of my job. I'm easy. And my job isn't as good as a face full of pastry, chocolate and cream.

    I liked the boyfriend and the weird slutty best friend. They seemed the most natural to me. But Whitney is very obvious in everything. She's the woman I would roll my eyes at behind her back while she tried to make euphemistic jokes while adding 'if you know what I mean'

    Profit and Lace was a ridiculous piece of farce so I could forgive its shortcomings - I can do that with humour-based episodes a whole lot more than serious topic preaching. But Sin was desperately trying to be relevant, insightful, and oddly sexual and it failed big time.

    I was tweeting about my DS9 rewatch marathon one day and was up to Let He Who Is Without Sin. I tweeted my utter dislike and contempt for everything about the episode and Ira Steven Behr replied (randomly; I hadn't mentioned him - I guess he was looking at the #DS9 hashtags in general) and apologised for writing such

    I love the Bath and Body Works True Blue 60 second manicure scrub. I do it in the shower once or twice a week and my hands are gorgeous! [www.bathandbodyworks.com]

    Sadly, it doesn't work for my permed hair. My natural hair is flat flat flat. And fine. And mouse coloured. So I'm permed and coloured plummy auburn. Despite this, I still need conditioner for fine & limp hair otherwise it'll weight down and look like I've dunked my head in a vat of cooking oil. So my perms tend to

    I will never forgive her for being cast as Trillian. (Actually, I will never forgive anyone for that movie travesty).

    Ahahaha, yes! One of the greatest scenes in the entire show. How... DUMB... was she? DUUUUH!

    I still remember it as if I was my 14y self watching and grinning stupidly at how awesome it was. It won't ever sour for me, no matter how dated it might seem now, because when I watched it I was young and it pleased me. I remember those feelings and they make me happy now.

    I firmly believe that I can eat as much as I want of anything until it makes me feel sick. I can eat chocolate until the cows come home (good chocolate, mind you) and I don't ever get sick. However after 1 piece of fried chicken I have to stop otherwise I'll die.

    She's basically Sarah Palin without the winks, tongue clicks, finger guns and Gee whiz whillikers.

    Oh jeebus, the double stream scares the hell out of me. Is that an actual thing? I can't imagine what I would think if I was a dude and I was double spouting everywhere.

    That's me. I am motivated to improve if people hate me. People who matter to me, that is. A random stranger yelling 'lost weight, fatty' at me in the street would cause me to roll my eyes and yell back an insult, but if my friends said it to me I would do it I think. Problem is, I feel very ashamed even thinking about

    As mentioned below, about different people responding to different things, I know that negative criticism actually would help me. Maybe not those exact plates but I respond better to people thinking badly of me than gentle happy thoughts/encouragement.

    Sure, what is it? I have an ipodtouch so it should work on that right? I want an app that randomly screams at me to put down the chocolate and run around the block.

    I'm truly curious why you get books for free and nothing else? It doesn't matter to me what you get free but why is it only books?

    I really wish someone would watch me eat and shame me into stopping. I'm about 20lb overweight (for reals!) and I just cannot shift it despite proper exercising and trying somewhat to restrict. I agree with others these plates are bad, but for me, I think they'd be perfect. I need to be motivated! I really think I

    I investigated Google very early on because it had such a clean interface and was a proper search site rather than Yahoo which was originally a directory. It was what the internet should have been. I never looked back.

    Oh, Syfy is supposed to be screening science fiction? My mistake, I thought their programming was focused D-list stars being eaten by Sharktodinocrocofrankenpythong....