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    Absolutely cannot figure out how their legs are intertwined or even how their lower bodies work. Also, am amused that Australians would think that anyone would come down under. It's almost as far as you can go before you fall off the edge of the world.

    So earthquake, hurricane and now tornado? Where's the volcanic eruption then?

    Go! They really have seen almost everything & once you get softened and clipped and cleaned and massaged, you feel like a bajillion dollars bouncing down the street on your fresh new feet!

    I love getting my feet touched so partly I get a pedi once a month just for the fun of having a foot and leg massage, and partly just to keep everything tidy - since I walk a lot I need to get them softened.

    I am very reluctant (scared) to click the link. Can someone just describe it to me through a PM? Don't be detailed though!

    I am SO EXCITED for this movie. It is my favourite Pixar production, although Nemo is a close second.

    I watched it this morning while getting ready for work and ended up not paying attention to most of it. Normally, I'm glued to Futurama (takes me forever to get ready!) because I'm looking/listening for all the secret nods & winks, but there was nothing in this ep to hold my attention but I couldn't figure why. Glad

    Is Chekov as whiny as Luke was?

    What is the POINT of this? I understand a lot of experiments take many years but usually they're to prove or disprove something and hopefully are being run to better the human condition. How does this help anyone or anything? Unless it's being done just for the sake of it?

    Happy to drop over half a mil for it but only if I get a spacewalk. Otherwise, not interested.

    Working with kids now, we're conscious that someone might have an allergy but so far, nothing! In three years, we've never had any parent come to us with allergy advice. I think we're just lucky! But we do have plans in place if it ever happens. The only food requirements we've dealt with are Kosher requests (the

    Why hasn't anyone created Suckdisk for real? Easiest game ever with continual orgasmic payoff.

    I've lived, worked and travelled in several different countries and I like taking photos (and exploring) things that most other people don't. I have thousands of photos of old, abandoned buildings - both residential, commercial and industrial. I find architecture fascinating and I will take a photo of something old

    My mother never gave me or my brother junk food and never gave in to our whining or begging for ANYTHING. Her motto was eat what I give you or starve. It also helped that we were somewhat poor and she couldn't afford much more than the staples.

    We're trying that right now! The reason why we hired college kids before is simply because the job has no need for a degree or experience, it's just working hard and we believed they were the demographic that would be the best to have in the position. Our issue with hiring people that have qualifications and are just

    As I said to another comment, I think it's great you're that way! And I'm glad that everyone has opened my eyes to the fact that some people DO try their hardest even if it's difficult and DO work jobs they don't like because they need the money.

    I think it's really great that you're like that! And you have friends who do try to work as best they can even if it's not their dream! I only speak from the experiences I've had dealing with young adults in this day and age. I don't feel it's generalisation because the people I spoke of (and as I said, the only ones

    Absolutely it's the easiest to find work with! I was a nanny for a bit when I first moved here and it was a cakewalk.

    The position allows a lot of flexibility (we work the schedule around their classes) and their excuses for why they leave are all over the place. It's definitely not an issue with the job or the other staff and yes, they are told exactly what the job entails and what is expected of them. We're at the point now where

    Nope, not a children's museum but something similar. It' pretty much all the same at all these places. Nothing even approaching rocket science and yet SO DAMN HARD for them to do.