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    I might be overgeneralizing but I'm going by what I've seen in the three years I've been working there. Absolutely every college student thinks they're better than the job.

    Well I will have a girl otter in my stream and the gentleman farmer will have a boy otter in his stream and happy things will happen to everyone involved!

    That's exactly the problem with kids today! They don't want to do jobs that they think is beneath them - and because of the media, tv, games, movies, everything telling them they can do, be, have everything, they won't accept anything less than what they believe they're utterly deserving of.

    Oh the talking! And the way she tries to wiggle her hips as she flounces through NYC! And when she stands near a man trying to be innocent & child-like with her knees together and her feet splayed. Soooo precious.

    I want him to dump her because I like her less than I like him. He's very transparent in his lothario-ness & inability to commit. I appreciate that.

    I went there for Jif peanut butter. That's some damn fine spread. And pumpkin puree for pie!

    I still watch SatC if there's nothing else on TV and I'm bored. But the older I get, the more I just hate Carrie and every thing about her. She's selfish, one-dimensional, selfish, pitifully emotional, selfish and selfish.

    My best ever Valentines gift was a huge tin of Roses chocs. He got some good loving that night. I'm so easy.

    Being completely serious here: is there actually good American candy? I can't stand any of it. I go to Ikea for good chocolate or search out expensive Ritter Sport for my fix.

    That's how sports should be! No helmets, no padding. Just short shorts and full on muscle visuals.

    My bestie came back from London a few months ago and brought me (no joke) an entire suitcase filled with Galaxy, Thorntons, Marks & Spencers everything and Starmix. I tried so very hard to restrict but I'm running very low now.

    If I was ever in the position to have a rider, I'd want the following things:

    I was on vacation in London many years ago. It was summer, we were at a B&B in Cornwall and the weather was perfection. The owners of the B&B told us about a meteor shower occurring one evening and invited us to join them in their backyard to watch.

    I'm a short white chick with an hourglass figure and big booty that garners me a lot of whistles & under the breath comments. I regularly shake it to Disney DDR and I'm a fan of serpents in general.

    I had almost the same reaction today when I ate a Sour Gummy Worm from Duane Reade because I wasn't expecting it to be so delightfully mouth puckery! There was a little hopstepwiggleshake involved when I chomped into it. (And then my colleagues laughed at me. I'll get them back at some point.)

    I ever got spoiled for Agatha Christie I would have been LIVID. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was a billion times better when I finally got to the end and my jaw fell off my face. I was unspoiled for every single one of her books and I would never have wanted it differently. But I usually skip to the end of chick-lit

    I couldn't find any photos that fit my criteria. I'm 5'5 and ~150lb (depending on how much chocolate I've consumed) I have a waist that fits size 8 but hips, butt and thighs that are size 14-16 (seriously, I'm packing a Honda). Top half of me is S-M, but if my shirt has buttons I have to go larger else I get the

    I'm definitely not a happy positive person. I tend to get my crank on for nothing more serious than a chipped nail. Conversely I'm not damaged. It's sad that so many people think those of us that love travelling (yes, the actual travelling process) are deranged.

    I don't trust celebrity endorsers of weight programs (or really anything else). Yes, they have weight to lose, but they're being paid a lot of money to stick to the diet, probably have a trainer and their own personal gym, and might not be as busy as the rest of us which would make it easy to follow an

    I would get stressed reading out a list of profanity in a test study. I'd wonder WTF I was doing it for and why was so much money being wasted on that while, you know, real psychological disorders need studying.