He looks like a retired gummy bear that became a police officer.
He looks like a retired gummy bear that became a police officer.
Isn’t this article just virtue signaling? It’s not like D-Rose was up for an award or a lifetime position on the supreme court. He played a good game. And Im not coming from a position of “leave derrick alone”, either.
Ahh yes nothing like those 12 titles before integration and 20 before free agency to fall back on.
don’t hold your breath my dude
Before the playoffs started I wished an open manhole on David Price, I’m now just another Masshole in the long line of them who couldn’t be happier for the co - MVP.
I’m just happy to have been nominated. It’s a real honor.
Oh, this heifer won’t need any more defense than the bulls+=%$ that sustains her stank attention.
Let me take a swing at this: “This incident does not represent who I am, this is a time of great personal stress for me, I apologise if anyone was offended.”
Look, they are thirsty as a muhfuh, that’s why their lips are so dry.
Really? Even assuming you managed to avoid having the outcome spoiled for you, you’d want to actually watch an entire 18 inning game? With Joe Buck announcing?!
I would love a Parody video of Netflix taking this to the next and logical level: just inserting white celebs into Black films and vice versa.
When you play like Rondo you are likely to be covered in exasperation.”
A hot mic near the scene seemed to have picked up someone muttering “nice game, pretty boy” in the crowd. No word on whether or not this is what initiated the spitting.
Yeah, Amari is not even a good fantasy football player anymore, to say nothing of for-real football
Found Pete Carroll’s burner account!
Sue. Anyone but a Police Officer would be charged with assault and endangering a minor, and child abuse.
Inconvenient truths: Gaddafi was flawed, but not as some of the bastards our gov’t embraced over the years. He was a Pan-Africanist before it was cool - he generously supported, financed and armed the ANC/Mandela during the anti-apartheid struggle, even as the West labeled them “terrorists”. Under Qaddafi Black Libyans…
Don’t; your blood pressure doesn’t need the agro…