KimJong LetMeHearYouSayUN nananana

Yup... the same thing crossed my mind.

I’m curious. How many people don’t/can’t watch the video? I read all the details in the article, but I can’t bother to watch the video. I already know whats gonna happen and its gonna be some petty revolting ignorant racist shit. So why waste time when I’ve seen the movie before? It’s not like it’s Coming to America

Look... reality TV ruins lives. You can go all the way back to first examples of married reality TV shows. Sure the marriages of Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro or Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were probably doomed to begin with, but Hogan was happily married. After exposing his family to reality TV his wife was

It’s not a matter of probability. It’s a matter punishment served. You are free to hold whatever the transgression may be against the person indefinitely if you so choose. I believe in second chances. I also believe it’s much easier to take the “fuck them” stance if you are not exposed to the person on a daily basis.

And going out of your way to stand up for a dude accused of domestic violence is also shitty”

And you know the lawyer is like, “yeah... you should take it, that’s a good deal” cause it gets them paid quicker. I wonder if the lawyer was straight retainer or percentage of settlement.

Lewis kinda makes ya wish they made UFC jerseys

First... I’m not sure how or even why you bothered to deal with “Barry” as masterfully and classy as you did. I feel like Damon would have done one of his one phrase posts with a simple yet effective “fuck you,” but that would have went against the whole thesis of your argument. I get it, appreciate it, but damn...

I can’t remember the comedian that said it but here goes:

It adds symmetry, which always helps a referential joke. If they went the ‘0X route I think they would have chosen 8 over 6, but by going 200X the farther back the better.

I mean... that Curtis Samuel TD turned out to be a metaphor for the whole damn game.

As long as we can also all agree that “white powdery substance” near his pizza was just a little Parmesan cheese.

Please save the baby!

Synonyms: Stugotz

That’s gotta be worse than the butt fumble, right?

I’ve never voted, not once. I’m a cynic and always prescribed to the notion “if voting made a difference they’d make it illegal.” However, now that you’ve framed it in the “they don’t want you to vote” context, I think I will... cause fuck them.

After all, if a white man who went to one of the most elite high school, colleges and law schools in America can’t get a lifetime appointment without facing the prospect of taking responsibility for their own actions, it means that the very existence of white men is in jeopardy.”

There’s a really warm corner set aside just for these people

Just in case you were wondering...

Considering cities anthropomorphicly, Denver would be the white liberal. I’m not sure about the gender though.