“Stevens then apparently started attacking him, coming out of his home and yelling at the man to get off of his property”
“Stevens then apparently started attacking him, coming out of his home and yelling at the man to get off of his property”
I don’t get the “it’s ultimately a social construct” as a way to trivialize or diminish significance, as in, “it’s a social construct, it’s not even real.”
And... we have the winner for the worst take
I gotta give you credit cause I don’t think your theory in #2 is that far-fetched.
Am I allowed to do Goddamn +2?
I believe this is called, “The Duality of Man”... or Woman. #2018
What if she is autistic and prescribed Ambien? I think we gotta give her a pass then.
So I’m a glutton for punishment... and I guess a bit gullible because I really thought (hoped) some of the “why didn’t they just comply people” would be like “damn... I got nothing on this one, this is pretty f’d.”
I mean... we live in the digital age. Flatly claiming everything she said is false is great and all if you want to stand by your story but some these things are not hard to prove.
Dude... I was thinking the same thing. Home girl looks real desperate and not too bright. Kind of makes you wonder how she got on the Honor Society in the first place.
At first I didn’t agree with the seeding but I can admit when I’m wrong cause I figured out what your doing. Traditional seeding is best is #1 and worst is #16, although the seeding does account for some consideration of “magnitude of causcasity” it seems like, at least for the first round, the intent was to get as…
What the fuck is a "press up"?
Man this is depressing... that metaphor can be broadened even further.
I think something was left out there. If she really is dating a cop she would have name-dropped and really pressed the issue, like begging and pleading them to call so and so.
Don’t sell the Tri-Delts short
I mean... seriously, ten years later and these are still the highlights? I’m not one to LOL, but I laughed my ass off at that one.
I’m sure like every bracket challenge there’s some discontent over the seeding. I gotta say, all in all, pretty damn good but the one seeds on the right side of the bracket seem a little high compared to the competition. I’m also in disbelief at “SLAV” coming in at 16. That’s some quantum string theory intergalactic…
So a friend of mine often have a debate on which of these articles represents the highest level of white privilege. Each week passes as if WP are in on the joke trying to usurp the throne from one another.
I mean... I'm just so damn tired of saying "masterful" but ya did it again so I will. The next closing is gonna have to be some Mariano Rivera shit to get it.