KimJong LetMeHearYouSayUN nananana

Ok... what’s going on her with the singular subject and plural verb?

What is wrong with you? Your two minds suck, well one of them at least. Managers going ballistic is one of the rare gems of entertainment in baseball. Instituting any policy to prevent this only makes baseball more boring. I happen to love it, but “it takes too long” seems to dominate the national conversation.

The whole freedom thing really becomes more trouble than it’s worth once you realize not everyone agrees with your sensibilities. You’re free to speak as long you agree, otherwise stfu. To be fair, hubris and ego in general, really prevented them from seeing this coming.

It’s all good, sometimes a guy just can’t himself. It’s the duality of man. It’s yin vs yang. It’s what the millennials have given their own spin with the “me... also me” dark-side Kermit memes. Nothing to apologize for homie, we all suffer from the same affliction.

My friend, I suspect your comment is tinged with sarcasm but their is truth in your claim despite its cynical nature, and it will not even take centuries. Robots will be behind the plate soon enough, problem solved. All hail our robot overlords!

You guys got this all wrong. We don’t need to eject pitchers or less megalomaniac umpires. We need Dennis Rodman. He solved the Korean peninsula. He can solve baseball.

You thought the NBA season was over huh?

Was anybody else dumbfounded when they google’d Rochelle Riley, the writer who penned the article that so incense Mike was not a white female? When lo and behold, the nonsense was being spouted by a black woman... I gotta tell ya, I feel both confused and betrayed.

I was just having this conversation with a co-worker. He’s a smart guy and big on metaphors/symbolism. We saw the new Avengers. After the scene where Thor was walking around Starlord’s ship opening the fridge like he owned the place, he explained Thor is “white people.” Watching the rest of the movie recognizing Thor

Yup... it’s the classic chicken or the egg scenario. In this case being dumb or being racist, which one is stronger?

All valid points and shame is a powerful motivator. Shame can cause someone to correct their actions but it can also, and more probably, lead resentment. Shame may be a powerful motivator, but spite is the most powerful motivator. Your plan doesn’t acknowledge that, if you are in the minority and spite the majority it

Deep down you kinda new you were doing a reverse jinx. By boycotting your team and not taking part in the victory, you pretty much knew they were gonna be victorious. Was this actually principle or just a shortcut to the Lombardi trophy?

It’s called the infinity loop argument, clearly you’re dealing with a master of rhetoric in all its forms. I suggest first familiarizing yourself with “MAC” addresses, then the Mid American Conference, and finally the aforementioned loop. Educate yourself bro... sheesh, you’re welcome.

“The value of a soccer pundit’s opinion is 100% not predicated on the capability or accomplishments of their national side, which is entirely beyond their control.”

This is humorous but flawed observation. Flawed in the sense that it is incomplete. They are “...not tired of winning...” because it is a relay race. Each generation passes the baton to other, with a fresh set of legs and an eagerness to keep the streak alive. The system is such they’ll never tire.

I firmly support the context is king mantra. You may be familiar with his work and have the context. I am not and do not.

Talks “shit” in title of blog about the worst team in the World Cup

You’re claim “Nature is its own complete ideal; we alone have the choice to create” seems too static and does not account for the optimum aspect the is part of the definition of ideal. An ideal isn’t merely a notion, it is that notions best form.

Any shoes she wear’s would be of the aforementioned variety.

“The Brothers Karmazov is the ideal manifestation of Russian literature”