Mr Glitch

Wow, WB. Why don’t you guys just burn $150 million? You’d probably get a better ROI.

And MANIMAL. Don’t forget MANIMAL.

I broke a hip trying to chime in too.

I’m not up on my gun lingo. Does ‘condition 0' mean ‘owned and operated by a complete jackass’?

Well, it is right in the middle of Denver’s dudebro district, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a few discussions along those lines. 

To make it really fair, the patron should get to shoot the FBI agent. 

The guy with the industrial-sized can of oven cleaner didn’t get the day off. 

That’s a switch, Usually it’s the sausage that gets inserted into foreign objects. Heyooooo!

That’s being generous.

I truly hope Episode 9 is nothing but Kelly Tran & Daisy Ridley flipping these fuckos off for 120 minutes.

Before you spare it from a fiery abyss, Brother laser printers can be a huge steaming pain in the ass to set up. Or at least a few years ago, they were: You had to plug it into a USB port on a PC, delete the default drivers Windows would inevitably load, install a special management program, set the wifi/network

Before you spare it from a fiery abyss, Brother laser printers can be a huge steaming pain in the ass to set up. Or

I keep telling you, it’s because I don’t get AMC. Why do you people keep asking?

How very precious, Dane Cook. You’re still a fucking hack. 

Buy a Roomba. Live the adventure, yourself!

FYI: That link takes you to a non pan-&-tilt model for $45.

FYI: That link takes you to a non pan-&-tilt model for $45.

Nevermind. Old post.

Nevermind. Old post.

Nevermind. Old post.

Nevermind. Old post.

Big warning regarding these: They are NOT exactly like the RT-68U, at least from Asus’ point of view. If, after hacking it to look like a 68U, you plan to use it as a mesh node in conjunction with another Asus router, either don’t bother or look into 3rd party firmwares. The latest firmware that Asus released disables

Big warning regarding these: They are NOT exactly like the RT-68U, at least from Asus’ point of view. If, after

These things are about as accurate and useful as phrenology exams. They’re grade-A, high-test bullshit.

This is going to sound excessively nerdy, and I apologize for nothing! But I wonder if the pills Ralph & Vanellope (or however that’s spelled) travel in are supposed to be TCP packets. If so, this could turn into a pretty gruesome body-horror story if they go through packet fragmentation: Their bodies get chopped