
So, the most unsuccessful Disney movie is The Princess And The Frog? Can we get a citation on that? I'm certain these movies were more unsuccessful:
A) Atlantis: The Lost Empire
B) Treasure Planet
C) That one movie about cows that must never be spoken of
D) The Black Cauldron

Spongebob Squarepants. Words do not adequately describe what happened there.

Now I don't feel so bad about having no TV or Netflix account.

"Of course, the problem isn’t that awards shows themselves are sexist,
it’s that they represent the sexism in the entertainment industry."

At least it's better than Paranormal Activity 6's trailer for the trailer.

I'm pretty certain that music is not actually in The Langoliers

Common sense took over and decided that this movie can go fuck itself. That is what just happened.

Wait, wait, hold up.
They're actually releasing this?

This just in. Movie about the dinosaurs not being destroyed by the asteroid is not historically accurate. More at 11.

I've heard worse songs, but not by much

Oh dear… Spambot has broken…

Aren't contests supposed to have rewards?

Okay, I've tried many times, and I'm very certain that the "over" key doesn't work in qwerty mode.

I kinda want to hear a song called "Love Fire Don't Rock On"

Wouldn't having giant black letters on the glow stick defeat the purpose?

You'd think, but they gave the pyramid three sides for some reason.

No. The Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy were made by the same guy, however.

So he lists the genres in general into these tiny boxes at the lowest scoring end of the map? Does this mean that if I listen to music I'm stupid, but if I listen to these certain artists I'm good? That is some fucking audacity right there.
Also, I call bullshit on the amount of space Coldplay and Queen occupy.

Really? Are we still doing this shit?

Well, so much for Child's Play getting its shit back together.