
This article has an amazing typo that I am going to start using as an insult. “discocunt”

Eh, I don’t know if it’s grooming, but...

oh it’s still a great car, but hell there is STILL at least one I am aware of you can buy new off the lot.  The trouble it has was it sold REALLY slow, not because it wasn’t a good car, but because asking $400k stick IIRC for it back then for a car with an L on the hood was a REALLY hard sell, compared to it being

In all fairness, not all F-150s are bought by people who are doing “real work”. One of my neighbors has an F-150 and, I can assure you, does nothing with the truck that could even remotely be construed as “work” other than transporting him to his place of work, which does not necessitate a pickup truck by any stretch

It’s pretty impressive how quickly Zaslav has become the most hated guy in TV lately. It's extremely well deserved though. That guy is a flaming sack of shit

A sub-660cc powered K-car just sounds like a Red Green outtake,

That’s correct - he was the XO onboard rather than the CO, but he was also Commander of the Flotilla (and outranked the captain, from my understanding), so had a say in whether they launched the nuclear torpedo on board.

GIVE MORE POWER TO HER MAJESTY, make it illegal for idiots like those here to criticise and attack her. She’s innocent but still they attack for no reason. – God Saved the Queen, WE CIVILISED THE WORLD, United Kingdom, December 25, 2015

Isn’t “royal” just a fancy type of grifter?

The AV Club is making cracks about something starting strong but ultimately turning into a pile of shit? Welp, that’s enough irony for today.

I wonder what it’s like to have a car run into your house, think “Yikes, could this day get any worse?” and then you have to meet Pete Davidson.

How “edgy” that you think the world is black and white and one thing is bad and another thing is good, and doesn’t deserve any amount of introspection and criticism.

*looks at cops who aren’t motivated by anything but revenue*

*looks around at loads of unused housing*

*looks around at massive homeless populations*

*looks around at drug companies that pushed opiods and caused a national epidemic*

*looks back at eugenics programs, a rich and *continuing* history of slavery, interment

Pete Davidson always has this face you make when you cross paths with someone you tangentially know, but not enough to say hello out loud.

Vasili Arkhipov, AKA "the man who saved the world". He was an officer on a USSR submarine during the Cuban Missile Crisis, who stopped it from launching the nuclear torpedo it carried in response to bombardment by the USN (who were trying to force it to surface using depth charges).

Oh for sure. And both sides had malfunctions in their systems that put us *this* close to nuclear Armaggedon. If I got it right the russian guy in charge actually had his finger on the button.

Yeah like what 3 years ago peak pandemic, sure, it was a bitch to get hand sanitizer, now.... your just looking to catch some guy fucking, well ask and you shall receive.  

I agree with this 1000%. It seems like the sanitizer is some sort of excuse to monitor park bathrooms.

The FRS is superior......
Right after you do an engine swap....

cameras set up to catch people who were stealing hand sanitizer from the bathrooms