
Maybe Doll Nadja is trying to pass on a sexually transmitted curse to Colin Robinson. Something like that 

When Padma teared up and told them how proud she was of them, I felt like it was her goodbye and my eyes got the leaks :(

He certainly showed his obsession with tuiles this season. I think the judges were so enamored by everything he did, had it been any other contestant, they would have told him to cut it out with the gimmicks.

They worked for decades to make people dumber, angrier, and easier to manipulate. Then along comes Donny and says “thank you very much, I’ll take that mob, make it even dumber and angrier, and ride it to power.” It has completely fucked them (and the country) up for a long time to come.  Now they are in so deep they

I think Ron getting crushed by Trump is weirdly satisfying because it’s fun to see the GOP try and fail to contain the Trump monster they’ve abetted for years.

VW seriously damaged their reputation in the US during the late 90's-early 2000's era when the cars sold here absolutely fell apart. I knew so many people- my mother in law included- who had pretty awful experiences with them. Add this to the fact that they never were exactly great in terms of reliability before and

The av club snarking about a streamer making a technical blunder feels a lot like the guy in the glass house who liked to throw stones. 

One asshole isn’t deliberately trying to kill the other.

Yep, illegal on roadways. Death penalty without trial certainly called for, no question about it.

Buddha has won the last four challenges (quickfire + elimination) and seven of the last eleven overall. At this point, they’re all “let’s give Buddha the win” challenges.

These are all amazing chefs, but I feel at this point Buddha is operating on a whole other level as much as they try and edit in a struggle.

Not just beta testing on their customers - on the public at large!

Color me disappointed when I saw the new Defender, being a LR3 owner and a previous Series IIA owner I had great hopes. At the time I bought into the “we couldn’t build a new Defender like the old one because of rules and regulations and lawyers” and then a new company up and builds a new Defender.

Yes, it’s always best to make assumptions like this without know more information. 

Barsanti is like the bad thinking guy of metaphors. Why even reference a famous trio if there’s not three things haunting him? He’d have been better off beginning with: A SPECTRE haunts David Zaslav, the spectre of university graduates.

I don’t think it’s that people are surprised by their pay when they get hired.  It’s more that they can’t live with constant inflation without their pay increasing.

Employers are like strippers during a lap dance; they’ll encourage you by insinuating there will be more all day, but it never comes.

And then there were four”

I’m in the UK, so my new Grenadier is on the drive. 1,125 miles todate and no regrets. It is a massive upgrade on my old LR110CSW, but at the price it really had to be.

“Profits have hit 20-year record highs, we’ve slashed our staff to skeleton crews, we’re paying executives 10 times what they were being paid 10 years ago, and now it’s time for us to pass these savings onto the consumers... in reverse...into our pockets.” — typical capitalist.