
This is how it should go. New cars don’t really need a dealership and their scammy salespeople. Just have a showroom where you can see/test drive the model you’re interested in and then order one and take at home delivery. New cars don’t need to be seen to be purchased if you already know what you’re buying. 

Coming up next: World mourns the extinction of smallpox

I wouldn’t use the word victim here - these people bear responsibility for their actions - but people can commit crimes, and still be products of their economic and social conditions. Here’s a cool trick: you can be angry at and empathize with a person or group of people at the exact same time.

I would probably just not take my family to these types of events.

“I can’t pay you, but you’ll get lots of exposure!”

From a competition standpoint, making chefs do front of house has always been bullshit.’s always made for some pretty fantastic drama. The negotiations over who gets/has to take on each role, the tension over whether the line cooks can properly execute someone else’s dish, the opportunity to see chefs flex a

I kind of feel like they got off easy. In the past, the chefs have had to completely create a new restaurant, picking out dishes, flatware, furniture, decor, etc. But I do like that this way gave them the opportunity to really focus on their dishes.

Yeah, I’ve enjoyed this season quite a bit. The Middle Eastern guys have been a highlight, as has Amar and Budda. Last Chance Kitchen has also been really great.

My mother drives around looking for a “good space.” She doesn’t want to walk too far. Then she browses every fucking aisle of the store likely exceeding a mile.

Now playing

Hard to distinguish between all the awesome specials they produced, but for a single segment, my go-to is Jeremy and the Reliant Robin. Can’t watch it without violent fits of laughter, and I’ve watched it many times... Yes, they messed with the Reliant’s differential to make it easier to roll-over, but it’s still

The entire Vietnam episode.  That was the peak and everything since has been chasing that high.

That’s where I am. I need a new car fairly soon. The Model Y would probably make sense for me economically and practically, in a lot of ways. I don’t want to think of that jerk every time I get in my car, though, and I don’t want to despise my car when I’m supposed to be enjoying it because of that. So that entire

My conservative family thinks “green” is the devil but Muskrat is so insane they want a Tesla now, to advertise what they “believe”.

I’m “that guy.” If the CEO wasn’t an unhinged genius who I have no intention of supporting financially or otherwise, I’d probably have a Tesla parked in my garage now, and if not I’d have ordered a Y at this fire sale price. It’s not like the class-leading infrastructure is going away, and I’d have this fancy high

Just because Big Man Moneybags buys the community center everyone loves and wants to turn it into condos doesn’t mean you let him. Sometimes you need to have a catchy chant and a bikini car wash to raise enough money to kick his butt back to the big city and leave us alone.

I was self conscience about it. I was already getting my car repo’d. I didn’t want it to look thrashed and not taken care of. Even my wife said it was stupid and pointless to do.

The Fourth Amendment does not include the language “Except, of course, if some people, somewhere, lie sometimes.”

I’m still mad they cut Ellie’s follow-up where she says: “I guess we are The Last of Us.”

I know, right? Everybody always mentions that scene from The Wire wear he gets naked and 100% of the audience was like “wtf, I thought he was skinny, but he is actually in the best shape I’ve ever seen”.