
I believe him. I have no reason to suspect he would ever sell out associates for his own gain.

I, too, have a car made out of 1990s era baseball cards!

The exception to the rule of car depreciation is when your uncle runs his hand along the roofline and says, “This is gonna be worth something some day!”

Good to know Ford slashed prices for dealers. Now they get an even larger margin with their ADM.

You are all wrong, NWO was a Hulk Hogan/Scott Hall/Kevin Nash thing.

Bartlett was quoted in an EW interview that was posted after the episode aired that it was (I’m paraphrasing a bit) like having this big, sprawling, incredible horror/sci-fi story and then just dropping a beautiful Sundance film in the middle of it. Highly accurate.

I legit cried for almost the whole 10 minute sequence on the last day. Murray Bartlett was great, but Nick Offerman’s acting just wrecked me. And totally didn’t expect Bill to die too, since he was still alive in the game. It was such a beautiful story. Could have easily worked as a standalone short film.

When she said “I don’t know how to swim” I was hoping that for this series they would change it to “I can’t swim” and give a physical reason why she can’t (i.e. inner ear infection was something I heard a lot when I was a kid for someone not being able to swim).

ironically, i thought this episode looked more like a videogame than anything. i laughed for a moment when i saw the boarded up hallway. not because i thought it was dumb or bad, but it was just so clearly videogame logic.

If this was an Uncharted adaptation, I’d say there weren’t nearly enough needless forward somersaults done up a flight of stairs for my liking.

For real. And I swear, if I ever see Ellie or Joel carrying more than 9 rounds of ammunition for any of their guns, this show is dead to me.

Doesn’t seem to be much circling tables excessively and doubling back on empty shelves in case they come across random screws or pills. Starting to doubt their commitment to the source material.

I agree the Crosstour was pretty ugly for its time, but Honda also made the Acura ZDX at approximately the same time. While they’re surprising *not* the same platform, the ZDX is way uglier:

Yet it kicked off a revolution to electrify the entire auto industry both domestically and internationally. It may have been a lower volume luxury vehicle with sub-par build quality, like an Aston Martin, but it did what nobody else had been able to do up to that point: mass production of EVs that were actually

The answer is always Ford EcoSport.

I always forget that Lincoln exists in these conversations, despite that potentially being the best answer.

Sweet! Now I can buy a 2018 4Runner with 60K miles for only $3000 more than the original owner paid for it!

I wouldn’t make that bet, even with your money.

There are NO good cops.

your story seems to completely validate the premise of the article that the police are bad at deciding who and when to stop?