
When I’m on American Gods I hope the showrunner is Uwe Boll. 

In the words of Nick Offerman from this week’s episode, “You have a fine research department.” While the gimmick certainly leads to fun moments, the Nardwuar-esque deep-dives they sometimes pull for questions (and Sean’s brilliantly straight-faced interview style) are what keep me coming back - without that charm,

Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

Basically. Like anyone gives a fuck about famous people in gangs (unless they too are fucking children).

Isn’t this whole thing about him trying to get away with that vile shit?

Let’s ask him about his thing for fucking children, tho.

I am honestly shocked that it has managed to, in my opinion, equal its film predecessor. I suspect that part of it comes from the fact that Clement and Waititi were so involved with the creative side, if not in front of the camera.

Only nominated once and he lost to James Spader for that lawyer show with Capt Kirk. There is no benevolent God, only darkness. 

God that was terrible.

He can slam the NFL because he’s not employed by the NFL. The NBA has their own problems, and if the owners could, they would treat the NBA players exactly the same.

What if I told you that the NFL was always an old ass conservative white man and what morphed was your ability to see that?

It’s unclear whether Shaw performed his actions merely to save his own and several other people’s lives, or if he was motivated, either in some part or entirely, by the nookie.

If you feel threatened by Antifa, put down the swastika flag and tiki torch and stop promoting genocide, go home, and you’ll be fine.

JBJ covers enough ground for two outfielders, and JD does the job of two men at the plate.

Detroit deserves a several-spot jump for the psychedelic tunnel alone.

The most recent Chapo Trap House has a fantastic chat with Will Somner talking about Jacob Wohl turning into a corncob.

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

I usually love your posts, and have never felt I had anything of value to add to the conversation, but I feel I must address this one.

Bring some class to The Root by removing the curse words and educating African Americans with creative and non-offensive words from the dictionary.

Worst Charyou Tree Ever