
Yeah, but part of the racist delight is watching minorities for their entertainment purposes. Otherwise all of Boston wouldn’t show up to Celtics/Sox games, lol.

She doesn’t get enough credit for that change. The show would’ve been so much worse if there was one female character going hurrumph every time the guys do something wacky.

Kaitlin is still so underappreciated in some circles of Sunny fandom. I’ve read some comments about this episode where several guys are saying she’s never been funny and she’s the worst character and I just don’t get it. I think The Mick showed she’s more capable and funnier at leading her own project than Glenn on AP

And not get the satisfaction that comes from beating up the mentally ill with his fists?

I really want to root for Dee, but the show does too good a job reminding me that she’s just as bad as the other four. Like, everything she does comes from a place of nauseating self-centeredness. She’s really one irredeemable bird-monster.

I’m not surprised Batman is right-leaning.

Don’t ever forget that Dianne Feinstein voted against a provision that would have allowed same-sex couples to share health benefits in the midst of the AIDS crisis; don’t forget Dianne Feinstein ordered the closing of San Francisco’s bath houses and actively worked against all of Harvey Milk’s progress toward LGBQT

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

“Tom knows Bill is the best coach in the league, but he’s had enough of him. If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”

Somewhere Joe West just handed his empty beer to the guy next to him.

Somewhere Joe West just handed his beer to the guy next to him.

The excerpts I’ve read don’t really tell anything surprising. The maddening thing is that these secret, embedded “heroes” for the most part agree with what Trump is doing, they just want him to look less of a buffoon. Politely rolled out terrible policy is still terrible policy.

Amber Guyger told authorities that she issued verbal commands that Botham Jean “ignored” just prior to her shooting him to death in his own apartment.

No. In their universe, congress often debates doing something to reign in the abuse of super heroes.

Yep, it’s great side story to that historic moment.

Undefeated! I’ll take it!

I’m calling it now: The Browns are going 0-0-16 this season. 

Fuck, even the Australian dude gets it.

Be prepared for: Officer not charged. Officer was assaulted. Victim had a record. Officer was justified. XXXX was found at the apartment. The shooting doesn’t count because the victim assailant was in his home minding his business Black. You know the drill.

Team Robot Umps!