
You liked well done steak and hate runny eggs? How the fuck are you a food columnist? This shit should be part of the interview process.


Pretty bummed about this because I just discovered it. But apparently there is a big backlog of stuff to catch up on.

This kid got full-on Tom Sawyer'd though, right?

I think we should really consider doing away with helmets, as they are primarily used as a weapon these days. It’ll mean more ‘heads up’ football and proper work on fundamentals. Hell, it’ll most likely lead to a faster game anyway. And while we’re going along this way of thinking, I’d probably do away with shoulder

“I don’t know enough about the rule to understand it right now and comment on it.”

There’s been articles of people taking Ubers instead of calling an ambulance because of the price. I drove myself to the hospital with a fractured spine because I knew the ambulance ride was going to be prohibitively expensive.

And every ‘R’ becomes a ‘Ya.’ Fake Cyrillic is one of the most irritating pet peeves for me. I remember my first inclination that the Borat movie might not be as clever as the previous Baron-Bohen stuff I’d seen him do was when all the posters and DVD cases proudly displayed the title as “BORDT” in a mangled combo of

“In total, writes People magazine, the entire trip to the hospital, which was just three blocks away from Galloway’s home, would have cost $600.”

Is this correct? I am truly asking a question. I know that hospitals (emergency rooms?) are required by law to treat patients (and that means stabilizing them which usually means “treat them and streat them”). Does that extend to ambulances and ambulance staff?

Crystle Galloway, were told they couldn’t afford the ambulance ride because they didn’t have insurance.

Because Unions are the reason we have a middle class in this country. The dissolving of the middle class is tied to Unions being eroded. If you are paid a living wage for work, thank a union.

Thats just disrespectful to Charlie!

There’s nothing like an inappropriate racist outburst on the 4th of July to really drive home the exclusionist point of American culture.

Go back to your home on Whore Island (Anchorman).

Make a deal with Europe that gives us things like the Renault Cactus and some of the neat little Citroens, and we’ll let them have Harley.

I wish there was a way you could share it without outing yourself.

I’m in a more liberal enclave now, but I put in almost 10 years in journalism in Steve King country. (I can’t remember when his district boundaries changed, just that he was Senator or Representative for as long as I resided in the northwest portion of the state where I once resided). It’s tough being the progressive

Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey asked Sanders point blank why anyone should trust her.

MMA not MMO, two completely different terms