
Same Bibi who backed Hamas as a political entity because it made a two-state solution less tenable. Hurray! 

I assume “Chord” rhymes with “lord” but “Chord (rhymes with board) Overstreet” is a Bobson Dugnutt-ass name.

I’m usually pretty good about not needing to pee all the time, but give me a half-gallon of caffeinated sugar water to suck on during the show, and odds are pretty high I’m gonna need a break sooner than later. 

No! No!! “Respect the cinema!” It’s got feelings or something! 

“dump runs” are a fact of life in many non-urban new england towns. and some urban ones, too (looking at you, wellesley, which is 10 miles from Boston proper. 

When this happened, AEW’s Prince Nana started dancing but had no idea why. 

I was cold contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn earlier this year, and they told me what the starting pay would be. I told my boss that I was contacted and he may be contacted for a reference. His boss called me and offered me a 15% raise later that day. Bless those folks reaching out when I wasn’t even looking for

I saw a trailer for the Swift concert film ahead of “Stop Making Sense” at an arthouse cinema this weekend. I may have been the youngest person in the theater that day, and I’m about as old as a millennial can be. I wonder how big the Venn diagram is for Stop Making Sense theatergoers and Eras theatergoers. 

Now playing

I’m thinking disco lights in a courtroom is a bad look while you try to prevent the dissolution of a man’s business empire, personally. Like, Unreal Tournament is great! It’d also noteworthy if your laptop said the Unreal “HOLY SHIT” as its startup sound in a courtroom.

gangs famously work well together, so it makes sense they’d all be on the same page about when new compatriots are welcomed into the fold.

If the automakers are taking in record profits, they’re doing so at the detriment of the people who make the cars. Every dollar in profit is someone’s labor unrealized. It doesn’t matter if it’s a baseball player making $30 million a year or a factory worker making $100k. Is it more than I make? Yup. I’m not in a

I’ve had four (BMW) Mini Coopers across two models (R52/R56). All four left on flatbeds. Three were for mechanical reasons, one was because a teenager in a 3-series was hooning his car in a park-and-ride and totaled another.

The hell is a “GoPuff”?

i just realized after so, so many times viewing these features that you can click the top and it’ll take you to the listing. that IS indeed the starlet i saw while walking down the street and decided to look up this morning for that exact price. so, small world! 

is that starlet in CT by chance? i walked by one the other day that had the name of the import company on it and just *this morning* i looked it up and it was for sale for this exact price. if so, small world! 

this reminds me of the time i went “mudding” in my 1986 Chevy Celebrity shitheap. everyone else was in a lifted truck; i just built up a head of steam and hoped for the best and i made it through thanks to momentum and the awe that big ass patch of soup had for the majesty that was my very rusty, very ugly A-body. 

I had a 2004 Toyota Matrix AWD with an auto transmission. It was a fantastic car - ample cargo space; fit two giant German shepherds; dead reliable and great mileage to get my wife 30 miles to and from college when she went back to school for a nursing degree. It genuinely required no maintenance beyond tires, oil

No, probably not. At least until it was time to file an insurance claim and only then if the insurance company demands a police report. Odds are about as good I get shot as you get shot if the cops show up with you in my house and I’m not terribly interested in anyone, especially me, dying over *looks around* this

ask yourself: “is the crime a person did or is doing worth that person dying over?” and if the answer is no, don’t call the cops. if the answer is yes, and it’s about a video game, go fuck yourself with a tire iron. 

Big-ass vehicles cause more road damage than small ones. Charge by the “dry” pound/kilo, which would disincentive huge fuckin’ trucks and asinine electrics like the Hummer.