
My first car was a yellow ‘74 Super Beetle with a semi-auto transmission. It was a POS, but it was my POS. That was, until I sold it for something easier to start, warm, and keep going in awful midwestern winters.

I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I figured if Tesla was making a fuckoff huge truck with giant sheets of steel, it’d be body-on-frame. Huh

Weren’t the “twins” referred to as “the cousins/los primos”? Also, RIP. 

Both have said they welcome anti-choice democrats and have even campaigned for them in (non-state) congressional primaries against pro-choice opponents. That said, this lady isn’t a democrat in name or deed, so *shrug*

I did! I just had a Royal Enfield Himalayan delivered. I wanted something underpowered so I don’t kill myself on it while I get my feet wet (it’s got “no power” in spades!), something cheap so I don’t feel terrible when I inevitably drop it (sub $5k for new-old stock), basic as hell so I can get my hands dirty on

Holy shit! I saw a GT Lusso on the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut last weekend. I thought it might be a E-Type as I saw it pass me slowly in traffic, but as it worked its way past me at 50 mph, I saw it was a flippin’ front-engined Ferrari. Texted my brother about it right when I got home. I see a lot of super-cool

I stumbled across FortNine’s stuff roughly six months ago as I was on the hunt for a first motorcycle. I’ve been working my way through a ton of their stuff and it’s ALWAYS great. Ryan and the crew there do such great work! Nice to see them getting some love on Jalopnik.

$100 million? as was said in the movie: never trust a pedophile

I’ve got a roommate who pays for Netflix. I don’t pay for Netflix because, well, I don’t give a shit about Netflix. Anyway, he’s here near NYC for work, and commutes home to be with his wife and kids when he doesn’t have to be here. He can’t continue watching a show here because Netflix views it as two separate

Any chance they make a ring for a bigger...uh...digit with the VTEC logo on it? I’d kinda like to do “vtec just kicked in, yo” with a partner

I’m from NH and boy howdy, do people hate “Massholes.” Even people (like my dad and step-dad) who are from there. I saw similar “Go back to CA” when I was living in WY, and (generic, not addressed to you) buddy, if people are moving from CA to WY, or NV, or MA to NH, there’s a good chance they’re probably conservative

Long pork (Dahmer) challenge for sure.

Wait, was I supposed to mail my old passport in? 

The U.S. government already levied charges against Microsoft regarding monopoly concerns in another arena. If you’re talking to a guy who pled guilty to arson, and he wants government permission to buy all the gas stations in a county, why wouldn’t you be pointed in your questions about his plans? 

Some people genuinely don’t want to be absentee business owners. My last boss sold his profitable newspaper (seriously! a profitable newspaper in the late teens of the 21st century!) and moved out to the mountains to do conservation stuff. He could have, and considered, hiring an acting publisher/editor and just

disco stu got really problematic when his ex left him

I had a Mk IV Jetta VR6. Loved that powerplant and loathe that my inlaws ruined it :(

The LFA doubled in price over the years. If it’s a really good, limited car I wouldn’t see it as a terribly bad purchase. If I had money for just one “special” car, I don’t know that I’d choose it but the rich keep getting richer and gotta spend money on something, so like all the cool stuff, it’ll get snapped up by

The street names were named explicitly as a show of force to Black residents and their allies. Please, find a fire extinguisher, and jam it up your ass. The noise you make when the fire retardant comes out will be a street name in your honor. 

Re: luxury cars. I have a friend who got hired as a VP of something or another IT related when he finished his master’s degree and celebrated by buying a Mercedes S-Class. When you’re driving a P.O.S. Mercury Sable, you sure notice how nice everything is, plus massaging seats? It’s like I was in a hedonism chamber for